Food Groups
Healthy Habits
Benefits of Healthy Foods
What’s on My Plate?
Meal Time Choices

Carrots, potatoes, spinach, and broccoli belong to this group and help us stay healthy.

 What is the vegetable group?


You should do this every day for at least 30 minutes to stay active and healthy.

What is exercise?


This fruit is high in vitamin C and is known for helping your body fight off colds.

What is an orange?


This is a better choice for breakfast: a donut or a bowl of oatmeal with fruit.

What is a bowl of oatmeal with fruit?


For breakfast, you choose oatmeal instead of sugary cereal. This choice is: healthy or unhealthy

What is healthy?


This group includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. These foods help make our bones strong.

What is the dairy food group?


This type of snack is better for you: chips or an apple?

What is an apple?


Eating foods rich in calcium, like milk and yogurt, helps keep these body parts strong.

What are bones?


For a healthier lunch, would you choose a veggie wrap or French fries?

What is a veggie wrap?


You have a choice between a soda and a glass of water. Which is better for your body

What is glass of water?


This group includes foods like chicken, eggs, and beans. They help build muscles.

What is the protein food group?


Eating this many meals each day helps us feel our best.

What is three? Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner


 What is the main health benefit of calcium?

To help us have strong teeth and bones.


When you’re making a sandwich, this type of bread is healthier than white bread.

What is whole-grain bread?


For lunch, you can have a grilled chicken sandwich or a double cheeseburger. Which one is the healthier choice

What is grilled chicken sandwich?


Apples, bananas, and oranges belong to this group. They help keep us healthy and give us energy.

What is the fruit group?


It’s best to limit foods with lots of sugar. This drink is healthier than soda.

What is water or milk? Water keeps us hydrated.


What is the main health benefit of protein?

To help us build strong muscles.


This crunchy orange vegetable is good for your eyes.

What is a carrot?


For a snack, you can choose baby carrots or a bag of chips. Which one is a better choice?

What are baby carrots?


Bread, rice, and pasta belong to this group. They help give us energy to stay active.

What is the grains food group?


To stay healthy, try to eat at least this many servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

What is five?


: It’s best to get this many hours of sleep each night to help you feel rested and healthy.

What is eight hours?


For a healthy dinner, is it better to have grilled chicken or fried chicken?

What is grilled chicken?


To stay safe when cooking, always make sure to do this after touching raw meat.

What is wash your hands?