"We Real Cool"
Romeo and Juliet
9th Grade Vocab
Commonly Missed Grammar Rules

Describe the pool players. Cite evidence.

Rowdy, irresponsible, not focused on academics, good at pool, drinkers of alcohol, have a bleak outlook on life.


Lady Capulet: My child is yet a stranger in the world.

She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.

Let two more summers wither in their pride

Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.

I can only repeat what I’ve said before. My daughter is still very young. She’s not even fourteen years old. Let’s wait two more summers before we start thinking she’s ready to get married.


A mean old man ate a large meal at a restaurant. The waitress tried to provide him with excellent service, but every time she brought him a dish, he complained. First he thought that the soup was too cold when it was hot. Then he said that his steak was dry and chewy, when it was moist and succulent. Then he complained that one of her blonde hairs was in his mashed potatoes, but the hair was actually grey like his own. She remained patient and continued to try to help him until the end of the meal, when he left her a quarter for a tip. She replied on his way out, “Thank you for the generous tip, Mister.”

Verbal Irony


n. freedom from penalty or harm

a. repose

b. impunity

c. aperture

d. subside

b. impunity


Which of the following is a dependent clause?

a. If the weather is still nice

b. That's the most spectacular view of all

c. You'll want to take pictures

d. You will reach the city of Asheville later

a. If the weather is still nice


What is the central theme of this poem?

A carefree lifestyle can have dire consequences.


Friar Lawrence: 

Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here!

Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear,

So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies

Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.

Holy Saint Francis, this is a drastic change! Have you given up so quickly on Rosaline, whom you loved so much? Then young men love with their eyes, not with their hearts.


Tom has always liked Lucy, but Lucy has always thought Tom was annoying and unattractive. One day, Lucy comes home to find an eviction notice on her door. Apparently, her roommate had been spending the rent money that Lucy was giving her on other things. Lucy only has 24 hours to get all her stuff over to her mom’s house, and Lucy doesn’t even have a car. But Tom has a truck. So Lucy calls up Tom and asks him how he’s doing. She tells him that she’s always thought he was funny, and that they should hang out sometime. Tom thinks that Lucy has finally come around is beginning to like him. He also thinks that his jokes are funny because she is laughing after everything that he says.

Dramatic Irony


adj. mourned for, as a person who is dead

a. lamented

b. lilting

c. immaterial

d. levitate

a. lamented


Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

a. "Melissa do not say prose is boring," replied Callie.

b. "Melissa, do not say prose is boring," replied Callie.

c. "Melissa do not say prose is boring." replied Callie.

d. "Melissa, do not say prose is boring." replied Callie.

b. "Melissa, do not say prose is boring," replied Callie.


What effect does the repetition of the word "We" have on this poem?

It emphasizes the fact that everything the speaker and his friends do is together, even in death.


Romeo: I doubt it not, and all these woes shall serve

For sweet discourses in our time to come.

I have no doubts. All these troubles will give us happy stories to tell each other later in life.


Tim Kylie is one of the world's top chefs. He is best known for his signature dish, triple-dipped chip steak. This masterpiece contains over a pound of beef braised in duck fat. Another of Chef Kylie's more celebrated dishes is the Hamslaughter Supreme. This dish features ham stuffed sausage links presented in a basket made of braided bacon. While carnivores around the world roar for Chef Kylie's creations, it is unlikely that Chef Kylie will dine with them. As a longtime vegan, Chef Kylie would never dream of devouring one of his own dishes.

Situational Irony


A long, angry speech:

a. stoic

b. epic

c. tirade

d. didactic

c. tirade


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a. The office was closed consequently, I could, not pay my bill.

b. The office was closed, consequently, I could not pay my bill.

c. The office was closed; consequently, I could not pay my bill.

d. The office was closed consequently, I could not pay my bill.

c. The office was closed; consequently, I could not pay my bill.


What does stanza seven reveal about the pool players?

They are rowdy and are probably getting into trouble.


Lord Capulet: All things that we ordained festival

Turn from their office to black funeral.

Our instruments to melancholy bells,

Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast.

All the things that we prepared for the wedding party will now be used for the funeral. Our happy music will now be sad. Our wedding banquet will become a sad burial feast.


Mr. Reinhart is the building inspector for the entire county. Before a person can build an addition on their home or property, the plans need to be approved by Mr. Reinhart. Mr. Reinhart is the man. He checks that each plan follows building codes before he approves the construction. He makes sure that construction goes according to the plan once building begins. He ensures that every structure in the county is built properly. One day Mr. Reinhart was having a party at his house. He and his guests were barbecuing on the porch attached to his house, when it suddenly collapsed. Apparently, termites got into the wood and had been chewing away the support beams for years. Mr. Reinhart hadn't noticed.

Situational Irony


What does the word "affluent" mean?

a. poor and struggling in society

b. able to speak many languages

c. clumsy and uncoordinated

d. wealthy and privileged

d. wealthy and privileged


Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

a. You'll need to turn left on Cedar it's the third house on the right.

b. You'll need to turn left on Cedar; it's the third house on the right.

c. You'll need to turn left on; Cedar it's the third house on the right.

d. You'll need to turn left on Cedar it's the; third house on the right.

b. You'll need to turn left on Cedar; it's the third house on the right.


How does the tone evolve over the course of the poem?

It starts out lighthearted, but becomes more dark as the consequences of the speaker's lifestyle becomes apparent.


Paris: I do defy thy commination

And apprehend thee for a felon here.

I refuse your request. I’m arresting you as a criminal.


"Oh, a sweater! That was nice Bobby," said Janet after opening the present. Janet thought the sweater was hideous, but she appreciated her boyfriend’s effort. Still, she exchanged it for some boots the first chance she got. She figured that Bobby would want her to be happy. A week later Bobby made reservations for two at the nicest restaurant in town. "Janet, I want to take you somewhere special," He said. "I have good news to tell you. Wear that sweater that I got you. It'll be perfect." Janet didn’t know how to react, "Um... I don't think that sweater quite matches these boots I want to wear. Is it cool if I just wear it another time?" Bobby huffed, "You know, Janet, that sweater was expensive. The least you could do is act like you appreciate it." Janet saw no other option but to agree to wear the sweater, so she did. Now she was in a pickle.

Dramatic Irony


What does the word imperative mean?

a. absolutely necessary

b. firmness

c. difficult to define; vague

d. sticking out

a. absolutely necessary


Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

a. Last vacation we bought postcards in towns with unusual names: Remote, Oregon; Inspiration, Arizona and Bragadoccio, Missouri.

b. Last vacation we bought postcards in towns with unusual names: Remote, Oregon Inspiration, Arizona; and Bragadoccio, Missouri.

c. Last vacation we bought postcards in towns with unusual names; Remote, Oregon Inspiration, Arizona and Bragadoccio, Missouri.

d. Last vacation we bought postcards in towns with unusual names: Remote, Oregon; Inspiration, Arizona; and Bragadoccio, Missouri.

d. Last vacation we bought postcards in towns with unusual names: Remote, Oregon; Inspiration, Arizona; and Bragadoccio, Missouri.