Sometimes, when we are upset, we need to...
Take a break
Take deep breaths
This candy has the slogan "Taste the rainbow"
The back of the toothbrush is used for what purpose?
To scrape your tongue
Why was the cell phone scared of the dentist
he didn't want him to remove his blue tooth
What is harder to catch the faster you run?
What is the best parkour game on roblox?
Be a parkour ninja
Finish this statement:
"Association makes Assimilation....
If you associate with 4 people seeking greatness, you're bound to be the 5th.
You can find them in your garden and although it may be weird, kids love to eat them
Gummy Worms
What do caterpillars turn into
What goes up and down but never moves?
A staircase
What word is always pronounced wrong?
What is the #1 Roblox game?
Adopt Me!
Should you copy in real life what people do on television or in the movies?
No, television and movies are make believe.
The main flavor of Lemon Heads.
How many zeros are in a million?
How did the mobile phone propose to the girl
He gave her a ring
How many months are in a year?
In the top 3, what place is roblox in?
Is it ok to behave inappropriately while in the community if you are upset?
No, you should always do your best to be appropriate even when something is upsetting you.
This chocolate candy is not a bar it's a "Cup"
Reese's peanut butter cup
What will Chance be doing at the State Fair?
Horseback riding
What did the shark say when it ate the clownfish
tastes funny
Who do we call Slim Shady?
How old do you have to be to play roblox?
All ages
When out in the community, should you hold doors open for someone older than you or when someone is close behind you?
Yes, you should hold doors open for someone older than you or when someone is close behind you. It is good manners.
This tear drop shaped chocolate candies have the same name as something you might receive from your loved one after receiving this candy.
Hershey's Kiss
What's the famous phrase for getting candy on Halloween?
Trick or treat
Why was the math book so scared
it had so many problems
Which game won 1st place at the roblox 2017 awards?
Is it important to learn how to count your change from a clerk/cashier in a store.
Yes. You need to know if you are given the right amount of money.
Aged grapes dipped in chocolate that come in a bright yellow box with red letters.
If I give you $20 and Coach Britt gives you $25. How much money do you have?
What tastes better than it smells
your tongue
True or false:
Mistakes help you learn.
Everyone makes mistakes. That is how we learn. We make changes to do better the next time!
What is the most popular computer game in our after school program