Linea alba
What are three treatment options for hernias?
Hernia clamps, belly bands, surgery
This suture pattern is more secure under tension than an interrupted pattern.
What are three potential post-op complications
Infection, peritonitis, hernia recurrence
This is an important diagnostic to help evaluate the contents of the hernia sac
How long does the body wall typically take to heal?
60 days
What is the difference between an open approach and a closed approach for umbilical hernia repair?
Closed = hernia sac and peritoneum remains closed
Open = hernia sac and peritoneum is opened
What type of suture pattern is used to close the body wall during hernia repair?
Simple continuous
If the urachus is infected, part of this structure must also be removed
Apex of the bladder
Name the two main causes of umbilical hernias
1. Genetics
2. Infection
This structure carries urine from the bladder to the allantoic cavity in utero.
In an open repair, after making a fusiform incision around the hernia, where do you make a stab incision to enter the body wall (in relation to the hernia sac)?
To the side of the hernia sac (not cranial or caudal to it)
Two layers of this pattern and suture type should be used to close the bladder in a calf
Inverting pattern with 3-0 absorbable monofilament
What are three signs of intestine entrapment?
The hernia is non-reducible, painful and warmer or colder than the surrounding tissue
This size of hernia is the most dangerous (small or large)
The area of hair that should be clipped should extend cranial to the ____ and caudal to the _____
In calves, this approach is preferred over the alternative to evaluate for signs of infection
Open approach
Name the size of suture that should be used for closing body wall, SQ and skin.
2 for body wall
0 for subcutaneous
0 or 1 for skin
Name the type of hernia where only part of the intestine wall is entrapped in the hernia which causing it to become devitalized.
Richter hernia
This is the most important post op recommendation to prevent recurrence
Restricted activity (for 6-8 weeks)
Name the 5 structures in the umbilical cord.
urachus, 2 umbilical veins, 2 umbilical arteries
What type of block is used for hernia repair?
Inverted U shaped line block
When closing the skin the suture should be (absorbable or nonabsorbable) and should be closed in this pattern
Ford Interlocking
Name an antibiotic that would be appropriate to give preoperatively if infection is possible.
An umbilical abnormality that appears as a hernia, but instead of being covered by hair is covered by a paper-thin membrane known as an amnion. This abnormality occurs when 1 of the 4 body folds fail to migrate normally in embryologic development.