When is birthday
What country is known for pizza?
What game do I play that has a bunch of other games inside of it.
What is my shoe size
What is the blue zone place in Japan
In what game do you run your own island, and get villagers to move in
Animal Crossing
What is my favorite car
Mazda Miata 1999 Build
Where were me n Olivia going to have a cruise
What is the game that you have ur own farm in, and get to marry one character in the end
Stardew Valley
What is my favorite cat breed
Tortoise Shell Cat
Where do I wanna go that is associated with snow
What is the name of the princess that a Italian plumber tries to save
Princess Peach
What is my favorite pattern
Tortoise Shell
What is the thinner type of kimonos Japanese people use in the summer
What computer/console game can you control design and build building for? (Latest version)
Sims 4