Studying History
Why History Matters
Studying Geography
Location, Location, Location
Sources and Influences
The study of the past
What is history
ideas that people hold dear and try to live by
What is values
Physical and human geography contribute to the study of...
What is history
an area with one or more features that make it different from its surroundings
What is region
A ___ is something that was once alive. A ___ is an object created by humans.
What is a fossil and artifact.
The study of the past based on what people left behind
What is archaeology
shapes our identity and teaches us the values we share.
What is history
___ is the day-day conditions. ____ is the patterns of conditions in a certain area over a long period time.
What is Weather and Climate.
includes all living and nonliving things that affect life in an area.
What is the environment.
An account of an event created by someone who experienced the event. An example is: a letter.
What is a primary source
Their main concern is human activity. They study why and how people lived.
What is historians
Cultural material and tradition transmitted orally from one generation to another.
What is Oral tradition (history)
Constant wind that wears down mountains into flat plains, is an example of_____
What is climate affecting landforms.
Google maps and Google Earth use ____ and ____ types of maps to display their content.
What is road and physical.
is information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness the event. An example is: history textbooks.
What is secondary source
Their main concern are the objects that people left behind. For example, jewelry, dishes or weapons. Usually, these objects are their only clues.
What is archeologists
Knowing the past helps you better understand your present and future decisions.
What is the purpose of history.
Super-storm Sandy is an example of ______
What is how the environment affects people.
New Jersey is an example of______. Room 122 in Herbert Hoover Middle school is an example of ____.
What is region and location.
What kinds of evidence will historians of the future study to learn about your culture?
What is computers, smartphones, the internet, driverless cars, technology, heavy impact on environment, industrialization etc..
Both are concerned with the past and ancient cultures. But one studies objects and the other studies human activity.
What is the similarities and differences between historians and archaeologists.
"The purpose of history is not the reader's enjoyment at the moment of reading it, but for the improvement of the reader's soul, to save him from stumbling at the same stumbling block many times over."
What is Polybius, the great Greek historian.
Mountains and rivers often form a region's
What is boundaries