Musical Numbers
Maine at the Movies
Misleading Store Names
Alliterative, Y'all!
The First Winners

This is Jenny's number according to Tommy Tutone

What is 867-5309


This movie involves the reconnection of two long lost sisters

What is The Parent Trap


You don't have to take a train to get a sub from this sandwich shop

What is Subway?


While not the healthiest food, America still runs on this fast food chain

What is Dunkin Donuts


She was the first winner of American Idol

Who is Kelly Clarkson


According to the Beatles, this still isn't enough to show how much they love their girl

What is 8 days a week


In this 90s movie, Hogarth Hughes makes friends with this unlikely companion, also the name of the movie

Who is The Iron Giant?


While there may be archery supplies at this major store, you may be better off shopping here for your everyday needs

What is Target?


The NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament is more commonly referred to as this

What is March Madness


The University of Chicago’s Jay Berwanger was the first winner of this college football trophy in 1935

What is The Heisman Trophy


Dolly Parton believed that these hours were no way to live a life

What is 9 to 5


In this thriller, you probably want to avoid any red ballons

What is It?


This conveniance store refers to it's hours from when it first opened; however, most now are open 24/7

What is 7/11


Bryan Crantson won four emmies for his perfomance of this teacher turned drug dealer

Walt White


This Canadian artists song "One Dance" was the first to reach 1 billion streams on Spotify

Who is Drake


Taylor swift said that when you are this age, you believe someone when they tell you they love you

What is 15


This title character finished his cross country journey at the Marshall Point Lighthouse, located in Port Clyde, Maine!

Who is Forrest Gump


We don't have a monarchy in America, but don't tell these two fast food chains 

What is Burger King and Dairy Queen


This luxury car manufacturer has been used by the British Monarchy since 1950

What is Rolls-Royce


With his number now retired throughout the MLB, he was the first african american to win the MVP in MLB history

Who is Jackie Robinson


Bryan Adams reminisces about the summer of this year in his hit song

What is 69


This friendly ghost haunts an old manor in Friendship, Maine

Who is Casper


This companies products have taken over the tech world, but are not as edible as the name would suggest

What is Apple?


This teenage boy uses the alias Spider-Man whenever he is fighting crime in New York

Who is Peter Parker


This country finished with the most gold medals in the 1896 olympics, the first of the modern age

What is the USA