Margin of Safety
Drug Interactions
Variables of Drug Effects
Patterns of Drug Use
Craving, Addiction, & Relapse

Pharmacologists refer to this as the perfect drug.

What is the "magic bullet"?


The summation of effects of drugs taken concurrently.

What is additive effects?


The changes in the rates of drug absorption, biotransformation, and elimination occur as a consequence.

What is age?


Drug effects that are rewarding or reinforcing often cause users to increase the dosage.

What is tolerance?


This is the desire for drugs.

What is craving?


An important concept for developing new drugs for therapy, as well as for assessing the probability of serious side effects for drugs of abuse.

What is margin of safety?


When one drug cancels or blocks the effect of another drug.

What is antagonistic (inhibitory) effects?


The variations in drug responses that usually relate to differences in body size, composition, or hormones. 

What is gender?


Dependence, which compels people to continue using a drug because they want to achieve a desired effect or because they fear unpleasant reactions.

What is withdrawal?


Someone who develops a powerful, uncontrollable desire for drugs during or after withdrawal from heroin, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, or other addicting substances.

What is someone who is dependent?


The less likely that serious adverse side effects will occur when using the drug to treat medical problems or even when abusing it.

What is the larger the margin of safety?


The effect of a drug is enhanced by the presence of another drug or substance.

What is potentiative (synergistic) effect?


They need to be particularly careful when taking drugs because of the damage that can occur in the organs.

What are individuals with diseases or compromised organ systems? 


Paradoxical effects that occur when a drug has been eliminated from the body.

What is the rebound effect? 


This term is often interchangeable with dependence, drug abuse, or substance use disorder.

What is addiction?


These drugs have relatively narrow margins of safety and a very high rate of serious reactions in populations who abuse these substances.

What is heroin and cocaine?


The effect caused by ingesting alcohol and cocaine at the same time.

What is antagonistic effect?


It interferes with the metabolism and disposal of many drugs, resulting in longer duration of drug action and increased likelihood of side effects. 

What is hepatitis? 


It reflects changes in the way organs and systems in the body respond to a drug.

What is physical dependence?


Most addicts have the tendency for this.

What is relapse?


This is determined by the difference between the doses necessary to cause the intended effects and the toxic unintended effects.

What is the margin of safety?


The effect caused by ingesting alcohol and opioids at the same time.

What is potentiative (synergistic) effects?


It compromises renal activity and diminishes excretion capacity of drugs.

What is kidney disease?


It is caused by changes in attitudes and expectations about a drug.

What is psychological dependence? 


Because of its acceptance by the public, this term is not likely to disappear from general use.

What is addiction?