Who signs the housing contract?
Who is a STUDENT?
Which of the following is a code of conduct violation:
1. having beer in your room if you are over 21
2. Having a box of colors light hung on your wall
3. Missing class
What is 2?
What is the most common code of conduct violation in Simpson?
alcohol paraphanalia
What is the most common housing contract violation in Matteson?
"our kids follow the rules, we don't have many"
When do you report a housing contract or code of conduction violation:
a. when it is reported
b. only when I am on duty
c. when I am not busy
d. whenever I see or hear it
Which of the following is a housing violation....
1. having a microfridge
2. having fire resistant curtains
3. having a wax warmer
4. having a fish
what is 3?
True or false....
the housing contract is the code of conduct but the code of conduct is not the housing contract.
What is TRUE
What is the most common housing contract violation in Mariner?
guests policy (aka partying)
Who do you report code violations to Saunders too?
RHD John or RHD on Duty
You are on duty and you see a student with alcohol, you are unsure if they are 21. How should you proceed....
1. Assume they are 21
2. Call the RHD on Duty so they can check their age
3. Ask the student how old they are
4. Pretend you didn't see and leave
2 or 3
Which of the following is a housing contract violation....
1. having weed nuggets on your desk
2. having a microwave
3. having an extremely messy room that smells
Who is the director of Student Conduct?
What is JILL?
Who do you report issues in Simpson too?
RHD Fellow Luke or RHD on Duty
A student doesn't sign in overnight into saunders but is a student at Mitchell living in Simpson. Is this a violation or not?
What is "yes this is a violation"?
You come across a party in Mariner. It is very loud and you believe you smell weed. What is your first step...
1. Call Jill
2. Call Campus Safety
3. Knock and tell them it needs to stop
4. Call the RHD on duty
What is 4
Breaking the housing contract results in...
What is "conduct violation"
What is the most common conduct violation within first years and second years?
underage drinking/being in the possession of alcohol underage
What is the most common housing violation in Simpson?
What is the most common code of conduct violation in Saunders?
Underage drinking
It is lower level housing contract violation, a residents room is overly messy with a lot of trash. How do you approach this?
ask the resident if everything is okay
address the issue directly
give them a time when you are coming back to check
ask if they understand/need anything
During a room inspection the room is DISGUSTING and FAILS inspection but the student asks for extra time and not to be failed. It is their first failure what do you do?
A. give more time
B. Fail them because it is the code
C. Ask your RHD
D. walk away and don't answer
What is C
Which of the following is a code of conduct violation...
1. possessing alcohol under 21
2. leaving an extreme amount trash outside your room and in your room
3. not leaving during a fire drill
4. not signing in overnight guests
What is all of them? (everything is right)
Name 2 code of conduct violations and 2 housing contract violations commonly seen in Mariner & Simpson
Code of Conduct: Underage Drinking & Partying
Housing Contract: Microwaves & Candles
What are the most common housing contract violations in Saunders?
A roommate comes to you asking for a no-contact order because her roommate is mean to her. What do you do?
Ask her what is going on and what she sees to be mean
address her concerns and discuss what you are going to do going forward
1. talk with the other roommate to hear her side
2. roommate mediation
3. roommate agreement
4. then re-address