Which emotion is this?
How to deal with emotions?
What can cause...

The feeling you may have when someone crosses your boundaries, being very irritated or annoyed.

What is anger?

There are good feelings & bad feelings.
What is False? Feelings are not good or bad, right or wrong, they are just feelings. You have a choice in how you express them, which can result in positive or negative consequences
You are smiling.
What is happy?
In through your nose, out through your mouth.
What is deep breathing?
Playing a favorite game, being with friends or family members, enjoying activities, etc.
What can cause happiness?

A feeling you have when you are afraid something bad will happen to you or someone else.

What is fear?

You can have more than one feeling at a time.
What is True?
Your fists are clenched, your face is red, your body is hot.
What is anger?

Learning words for different emotions so that you can express what you are feeling more clearly

What is building your emotional vocabulary?

Being home alone, someone is very ill, you hear strange noises, it's dark outside, etc.
What can cause fear?

Feeling bad, ashamed, or embarrassed because of your actions.

What is guilt?

Other people can make me feel a certain way.
What is False? Our feelings come from our thoughts, so others do not have the power to make us feel bad unless we allow them to.
You are slumped in your chair and you can't keep your eyes open.
What is tired?
Using words to describe your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust.
What is talk it out?

You and someone you care about get in a fight, someone cuts you off in traffic, someone insults you, etc.

What can cause anger?


A feeling you may have when you are constantly thinking about something and are unsure of what the outcome will be.

What is worry?

Crying is a normal reaction to strong feelings.
What is True? Crying releases tension. Some scientists believe it releases stress hormones too, which is why we fell better after a good cry.
You don't understand the question so you are staring at the teacher with scrunched eyebrows.
What is confused?
Writing down thoughts and feelings about what you experience.
What is journaling?

You make plans with someone and they don't show up, you receive some bad news, you don't have enough money to buy something you want.

What can cause disappointment?


A feeling you have when you are really looking forward to something.

What is excitement?

Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.
What is false? Ignoring feelings only makes them grow more intense. Like a pressure valve, they will slowly seep out or explode in unintended and potentially harmful ways.
You're crying, you have a frown, you are slumped down.
What is sad?

Leaving conflict to gather thoughts, change your feelings, and control your behaviors.

What is take a time out?

You're scared to get in trouble, you don't want to face your problems, you are trying to protect someone else, etc.
What can cause denial?