Our Stories

David is the new kid at school. He doesn't have any friends and feels alone. Then he meets fellow new student Jake and the two become best friends and together they navigate middle school. 

What type of genre is this? 

Realistic Fiction 


In The Monkey's Paw, who is the protagonist and who/what is the antagonist? 

Protagonist: Mr White 

Antagonist: The Monkey's Paw

The 4 types of conflicts found in fictional stories
What is character vs. character, character vs. nature, character vs. society, character vs. self

What is the setting of The Monkey's Paw? 

A House, India, 1914


What are the 3 types of point of view?

First, third person limited, third person omniscient  


The fictional character of Jacob Coleman but help his family escape slavery but running to the north. But little do they know the Civil War is about to begin and their journey will become even harder. 

What type of genre is this? 

Historical fiction


Who was the protagonist in The Lady or the Tiger? Who was the antagonist? 

Protagonist: The princesses lover 

Antagonist: The King


What type of conflict happens in Monkey's Paw?

What is man vs. self or Man vs. nature 

What is the setting of the Odyssey? 

Ancient Greece 


Another word for theme of a story

What is the moral or lesson


Captain Diego Rush of the Interspace Police Force is tracking down a dangerous alien warlord Zerk. Will Rush and his team find Zerk in time to stop him from destroying another planet or will it be the end of the galaxy as they know it? 

What type of genre is this?   

Science Fiction


What is the climax of King Midas and The Golden Touch?

When King Midas turns his daughter into gold 


What is the type of conflict in The Lady or the Tiger?

What is man vs. man


How to setting and mood work together in a story?

The mood is how and story makes your feel and the setting can add to that feeling 


What are the 3 external conflicts?

Man v. Man 

Man v. Nature 

Man v. Society 


Inspector George Kingsman of Scotland Yard is hot on the trail of a murder that's been running around the streets of London. Will he catch the murder before he kills again, or will it be too late?   



What is the theme of Little Red Riding Hood?

Listen to your parents-do not stray from your path


What is the type of conflict is in Little Red Riding Hood?

What is man vs. nature


How does the mood effect a story?

It causes the reader to feel something, which then places them in the story


Give an example of Man vs. Society 

Answer will vary 


Fern is just a house fairy but she dreams of being in the Queens Fairy Army. When Queen is kidnapped by the evil Sorcerer, it is up to Fern to show her magical strength to save the Queen.   

What genre is this?



In Ulysses vs. The Cyclops, what did we learn about Ulysses (character trait) at the end of the story  

Cunning and resourceful 


What is the conflict type in King Midas and the Golden Touch?

What is man vs. self


"Eleven year old Samantha Tarkington sighed as she looked down the darkened second-floor hall. She had checked all the bathrooms. There was no sign of Jenny. From the attic came the thud of haters and the grating screech of saws. Samantha felt a tap on her shoulder." What MOOD did the author create for the reader?

What is mysterious, suspenseful, scary


Why are stories never told in 2nd person?

Answers will vary