Internet History
Economics of Internet
Advertising on TV
Television History
This is the prevailing culture of the internet
What is free information access
This was the Department of Defense project that was the forefather of the Internet
What is ARPAnet
This is the time frame for Web 1.0
What is early 1990s to early 2000s. (Have an idea of the difference between Web 1.0 and Web. 2.0 too)
These are the sources of revenue for television.
What is advertising, syndication and subscriptions.
This is the invention that made Philo T. Farnsworth famous.
What is the cathode ray tube (1922)
This was the Google product that caused a privacy stir (as detailed in the "Google's Orwell Moment" article
What is Google Buzz (In other words, read the articles I gave you)
This is the definition of the Internet
What is a vast network of telephone and cable lines, wireless connections and satellite systems that link and carry computer information worldwide.
This was the first browser and the first commercial browser
What is Mosaic and Netscape, respectively
This is the difference between the amount of advertising on Hulu and advertising on YouTube.
What is 100% content capable of carrying ads and 3-4% of content capable of carrying ads.
This is when and where commercial television debuted.
What is the 1939 World's Fair.
This was the first television president
Who is JFK
This is the percent of Americans on the "have nots" side of the digital divide and the factors that contribute to lack of internet access
What is 25% and age, education and access to technology.
These are the reasons the Internet is unique among the types of media.
What is the lack of a common owner, the vast size and the lack of barriers.
This is the company that determines the size of a television program's audience.
What is Nielsen.
This is the oldest show on television.
What is Meet the Press.
This is the reason Jay Leno was moved to 10 p.m. and why it failed
What is the desire to keep both Leno and Conan, the desire to make TV cheaply (5 episodes for the price of 1) and low ratings that led to an affiliate revolt.
This is the inventor of the programming languages that led to the World Wide Web
Who is Tim Berners-Lee, creator of HTML and HTTP
This is the definition for net neutrality
What is the principle that every website--regardless of who owns it--has the same right to the same internet network speed and access. Know what the benefits of net neutrality are and the challenges facing it.
This is the difference between rating, share and live+7.
What is percent of all televisions watching a program, percent of all televisions turned on watching a program and the percent of televisions watching a program within 7 days (DVR).
This FCC chairman decried television as a "vast wasteland".
Who is Newton Minnow.
Understand the concept of "content is king" and how the future of TV differs from traditional model.
Look for things like distribution and content companies, hulu, toll booth and carriage fees in your notes. Be able to discuss.
These were the government attempts to control the Internet.
What is the National Information Infrastructure and the Communications Decency Act. Know dates and ramifications.
This is how money is made online
Be able to discuss and explain Internet service providers, web browsers and search engines, ad words, social networking ads, etc.
These were the ways networks tried to diminish advertiser control and what eventually put an end to single sponsor advertising.
What is longer programs (15->30), more frequent programs (weekly->daily) and the quiz show scandals. Know the reasons for these moves and the result.
This is the year the Quiz Show Scandals erupted.
What is 1958-1959