Define the word “Contrition”
To feel guilty or have remorse.
Depends on whether it is meant to hurt someone or if it comes out unexpectedly.
What is the actual name of the Sacrament of confession?
What are the three main things we focus on during Lent?
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
Define “Sin”
“Missing the mark”, getting away from God
In your Prayer Books. how many prayers deal with forgiveness?
Depends on whether it is meant to hurt someone or if it comes out unexpectedly.
What is the actual name of the Sacrament of confession?
Name 3 specific examples of actions we should do during Lent
Forgive, ask for forgiveness, donating, praying for others, giving something up for Lent, focusing more on our Faith, etc.
Define “Sin”
“Missing the mark”, getting away from God
Recite the Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee…
Eating meat on Fridays
Depends on whether you truly forgot. If you remembered that you’re not supposed to eat meat but still ate, it is a sin.
Define “Penance”
Actions done show remorse and to make up for sins
Who did Jesus forgive at the Last Supper before He was crucified? Why?
Judas, he is still a child of God.
Define “Absolve”
Set free/take away guilt
Recite the Confiteor
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters…
Skipping Mass on Sundays
Yes, if one chooses actively to not go to Mass it is a sin
Who absolves us from our sins?
Why do we give up meat on Fridays?
Jesus was crucified on a Friday and sacrificed Himself for all of us. Therefore, we should also sacrifice something in His name (in this case meat).
Recite the Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty…
Recite the Hail Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy!…
Lying to get out of trouble
Yes, lying is breaking the 8th commandment.
Why is it necessary to do an examination of conscience?
To remember everything we’ve done and reflect on how it damages us.
How old do you have to be to start practicing Lent? (One guess)
Officially 14 but you can start whenever.
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