Study Design
Central Tendency & Variability
Sampling & Probability
Zs & Ts

A small group of people chosen from a larger group

What is a sample?


The bell curve has this type of distribution

What is a normal distribution?


To find out the average income of U.S. citizens, you would compute this measure of central tendency

What is the mean?


In an experiment, this is the group that does not receive "treatment".

What is a control group?


This is the formula used to convert non-standard values into standard values against the Standard Normal curve.

What is the z-score formula?


This is the statistical proportion used to find the minimum sample size for a given margin of error?

What is p-hat or pilot p?


This Graph should be used to illustrate the relationship between number of children and blood pressure

What is a histogram or scatterplot?


If you wanted to know whether males versus females own more dogs, you would use this measure of central tendency

What is the mode?


If you asked a survey question to all of your Facebook friends, you would be using this type of sampling

What is convenience sampling?


If you want to estimate the value of the mean AP score of all statistics students, where the population standard deviation was 0.35, you would use this procedure.

What is a z-interval for mu?


This is what we do with poorly generated or biased data.

What is, "throw it out / discard it" ?


Graph that should be used to measure the relationship between gender and IQ

What is a bar graph?


These two terms describe the ages of the youngest and oldest persons in this class.

What is the minimum and maximum?


When a researcher can use the results from one study to make inferences about the "bigger picture"

What is generalizability?


If you wanted to measure the effectiveness of a treatment using a before and after design, this type of test would be most appropriate

What is a paired-samples or dependent-samples t-test?


These are the three basic types of sampling methods to generate a random sample.

What are SRS, Stratified and Clustered.


A graph that has an uneven amount of numbers between intervals falls victim to this type of graph problem.

What is, "misleading graph" or "bias"?


A statistic is used to measure characteristics of a sample, whereas THIS is used to measure characteristics of an entire population.

What is a parameter?


When a researcher rejects the null hypothesis when he or she should not have, they are committing this type of error

What is a Type I error?


If you wanted to test the effectiveness of a treatment on women versus men, you would use this type of test

What is an independent-samples t test? OR
 What is a paired t test for the mean difference?


sample size (n), sigma, alpha and the particular alternative all affect this probability

What is the power of a test?


A bar graph and this type of chart contain pretty much the same type of information

What is a pie chart?


If you wanted to know how well your classmates did relative to the average grade, this measure of variability would be best.

What is standard deviation?


These are the three principles of experiments that qualify them as having a good design.

What are control, randomization and replication?


If you wanted to compare how a sample of students at a local university did on the GRE relative to the national average, we would use this type of test.

What is a single-sample t-test?