What is the feeling of being under pressure or threatened, either physically or emotionally?
What physical feeling might you have when you're feeling stressed?
What can make you feel stressed at school?
Homework or Test
True or False: Everyone experiences stress differently.
True or False: Stress is always bad for you.
False (Stress can be motivating and helpful)
What is the difference between good stress and bad stress?
Eustress motivates, distress overwhelms
Which part of your body might tighten up when you're stressed?
What kind of social situation can trigger stress?
A fight with a friend
What can stress do to your immune system over time?
Weaken it
True or False: Only adults experience stress.
False (Kids and teenagers experience stress too)
True or False: Stress only happens when we are worried or anxious.
Name one emotional symptom of stress.
What might cause stress during sports?
Performing poorly or fear of losing
What hormone does your body release when you’re stressed?
True or False: Ignoring stress will make it go away.
False (Ignoring stress can make it worse)
What part of the body releases stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol?
Adrenal Glands
What could a fast heartbeat indicate when you're stressed?
Increased heart rate
What can stress you out during family time?
Family problems
How long can stress last?
A short time (acute) or a long time (chronic)
True or False: Exercise can help reduce stress.
Stress can be caused by something external, like school. What is the term for a situation that triggers stress?
What is a common stress symptom that affects the stomach?
Stomach Ache
What stress trigger happens when you have too many things to do in a short time?
Being Overwhelmed
What effect can chronic stress have on your sleep?
it causes insomnia or difficulty sleeping
True or False: Talking about stress is a sign of weakness.
False (Talking about stress is healthy and helpful)