What do the words “shacha” and “proskuneo” teach us is a necessity for worship?
Which is more important: Internal or External worship?
They are both equally important
According to the lesson, What is the key to understanding worship?
Understanding why we worship
According to the literal definition of the English word “worship,” what are we declaring when we worship God?
He is worthy of honor
What makes our worship acceptable?
Christ's Sacrifice
According to Louie Giglio, who initiates worship?
What are the two main reasons why we worship God?
1. Who He Is
2. What He's Done
What happens when we truly see/encounter/understand God?
It causes us to worship
What is the first instance of the word “Worship” in the Bible?
Genesis 22:5 when Abraham takes Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him
What does alethea mean?
Literal Meaning: Not Concealed
What is better than apathetic worship?
Not worshiping at all.
According to the literal definition of the English word “worship,” what do we worship?
Anyone or anything we value as worthy of honor
What are Tom Kreuter’s 3 conclusions about worship?
Worship Honors God
Is Directed Toward God
Requires involvement on the part of the worshiper
Complete the statement: “Worship is about intentionally putting our…
focus on God to Honor Him
According to A.W. Tozer, “Christ can never be known without a sense of …
Awe and Fear
Define Syncretism
Combining the worship of the one true God with the worship of other gods
Describe the origin of the english word “worship”
Weorth -> Worth + ship = Worthship
The state of being worthy.
What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in Truth
Spirit - genuine, from the heart, and guided by the Holy Spirit
Truth - Informed by scripture and the truths it teaches.
According to Alex McDonald, the problem with the “worship wars?”
We are in love with ourselves and we blame the music.
What were Isaac Newton’s three conclusions about God?
He is eternal, infinite, and absolutely perfect