If you are in good Humor, you might say that you are_______.
What is Happy?
True or False: Emotions and feelings are the same thing.
What is false.
Emotions involve a physical reaction in the body and feelings are a conscious experience of emotions.
When you are mad, it helps to take a deep ________.
What is breath.
When your friend is sad, you can ask, "Are you_____?"
What is okay?
Your Friend is crying. What should you ask?
What is ask if they are okay?
When Something scares you , you might feel_______.
What is Afraid?
Emotions are automatic, but feelings are something you______________.
What is think about?
If you feel upset, you should talk to a_______.
What is a trusted adult?
If a friend is angry, should you yell back or stay calm?
What is stay calm?
You feel nervous about speaking during your presentation. what can you do?
What is taker a deep breath.
When Someone takes something yours, you might feel _______.
What is angry?
When you feel sad, it might come from the emotion of ________.
What is Grief or sadness?
Writing or drawing about your feelings can help you feel _______.
What is better?
If a friend doesn't want to talk, it might mean they feel _________.
What is tired or upset?
You feel Angry. Should you hit or yell to someone or take a break?
What is take a break, go to a quiet place.
If you see someone fall, you might feel bad for them. This is called _______.
What is Empathy?
Name some basic emotions we all have.
What is happy, sad, angry, fear, or disgust.
When you are feeling nervous, name some ways to calm down.
What is count to 10, breath deeply or talk to someone?
True or False: Everyone feels the same way about everything.
What is false.
Do you remember that feelings is something that you consciously think about it? So, everyone may focus on something different while they are thinking.
Your friend said something that hurt your feelings. What should you do?
What is tell them how you feel, gently.
When you feel great because someone said something nice about you, you feel __________.
What is proud?
Feelings happen when you stop and _______ about your emotions.
What is think.
When you are sad, what is something nice you can do for yourself?
What is take a break, listen to music, or talk to a friend?
When you give space to a friend that needs to be alone on that moment, you are showing ________.
What is Kindness.
You are excited but your friend seems sad. What can you do?
What is ask them what's wrong or cheer them up.