People perceive and experience the ______ differently.



It is helpful to share your thoughts with someone you ______.



Talking about my symptoms with a mental health professional will:

A . Stop all symptoms.

B. Cause the symptoms to get worse.

C. Help both of us learn if I have symptoms of mental illness.

D. Get me locked up.

C. Help both of us learn if I have symptoms of mental illness.


My illness was caused by family problems when I was a kid.

False. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are medical health problems just like asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. They are not caused by family problems but by physical causes such as a chemical imbalance.


Schizophrenia means “split personality.”

FALSE- The term schizophrenia does not mean split personality. “Schizo-” means split and “-phrenia” refers to the brain. In schizophrenia, the brain has difficulties processing information. Messages from one part of your brain may not be sent to another part of your brain. Or, messages may be sent, but not completely. When this happens, you may be confused because you are getting only pieces of information, not the entire message.


No ____works perfectly.



Talking with a professional means you are trying to make your ____ better.



If I admit to having an illness:

A . Everyone will be afraid of me.

B. I will not be the same person I always have been.

C. I should tell everyone who knows me.

D. I can start doing things to reduce the effects on my life.

D. I can start doing things to reduce the effects on my life.


I can stop my medicine when my symptoms get better or go away.

FALSE- is very important to take your medicine the right way every day, even when symptoms go away. If you miss doses or stop taking it, symptoms are likely to return in a few days or weeks.


Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are not real illnesses.

FALSE-Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are real illnesses. These are medical conditions with symptoms and physical differences in the brain. People with either of these diagnoses need medical help to get better. 


Being open with people we ____ can help us if we are having changes in perceptions



Sharing your thoughts,_____ and experiences with a mental health professional can help you identify whether you have symptoms.



Having a mental illness means:

A. I am disabled, need disability benefits, and should give up my life goals.

B. I did something wrong to get it.

C. There is no treatment, cure, or hope.

D. I can to learn how to manage it so it doesn’t control my life.

D. I can to learn how to manage it so it doesn’t control my life.


People with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are always sick and are unable to live on their own.

FALSE-With treatment, many people who have these diagnoses are able to go back to school or get a job. However, it may take longer to complete a school or training program than it would if the illness were not present.


With continued treatment with medicine, many of my symptoms can be managed.

TRUE-Although there is no cure, many symptoms can be improved or managed if you keep taking your medicine as prescribed. Medication does more than just help relieve symptoms. It helps alter chemicals in the brain where an imbalance may be responsible for symptoms.


Your _____ processes your emotions.



It may take time and several different _______ to find the

right one.



Developing a _____illness is no one’s fault.



People who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are not very smart.

False. Like other illnesses, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder occur in all types of people, regardless of how smart they are. However, poor control of symptoms or multiple recurrence may not allow a person to function as well as he or she did before the illness began.


Medicine alone is all I need to get better.

False. While medicine is often a basic part of your treatment, medicine alone is not enough to move you toward recovery. Most people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder find that additional therapies, such as increasing coping skills and learning new job skills, help them in their journey of recovery.


Intense ______ can reduce your ability to cope and function.



 A symptom is a sign that an _____is present.


Mental illnesses are sometimes due to physical biochemical processes

in the brain.



It is important to tell my prescriber and treatment team if I think my symptoms may be getting worse or if I notice new symptoms.

True. If new symptoms start or old symptoms get worse, your prescriber may want to adjust your treatment. It is important to tell your prescriber and treatment team about any possible symptoms.


Recovery is different for each person, and happens at each person’s own pace.

True. Recovery is different for each person. And each person recovers at his or her own pace.