This is who holds the position of Pledge Ed and plans the Understudy process
Who is Tabitha Porter?
August 12, 1925
Tri-State College is located here
Where is Angola
This is the type of fraternity APO is
What is an Honorary fraternity?
This is Reahlyn's little
Who is Aidan and Hailey?
This position is in charge of the green room.
What is Internal Relations?
National Convention held every 5 years
What is Grand Rehearsal?
University of Southern Indiana is located here
Where is Evansville?
An example of this is Alpha Phi Omega
What is a Service Fraternity?
This is a cast member that was in the cast of Let the Right One In
Who is Tabi, Bri, Lamarr, Krystina, and Jarod (Technically Daniel)
This is who you pay your dues to.
Who is the Business Manager?
What is the amount of active APO chapters?
The town where Butler University is located.
Where is Indianapolis?
An example of this is Phi Mu Alpha
What is a Social Fraternity
This is Reese's Big
Who is Becca?
This is the person who serves as the role that makes sure the bylaws of APO are upheld.
Who is Victoria Tiller?
The junior college division of Alpha Psi Omega
What is Delta Psi Omega?
The Town where Ball State University is located
Where is Muncie?
This is what social fraternity recruit based off of.
What is recruiting without regard to major or academic specifications.
Close your eyes and name everyone in your understudy class
Who is...
This position plans all events pertaining to APO
What is the Social Chair?
The three communities of APO
What are Alpha, Psi and Omega
The town where Taylor University is located.
Where is Upland?
An example of this is Sigma Alpha Iota
What is a Professional Fraternity?
This is what the original cast of APO were known as
What are the Fairmount State College Masquers