Shoulder Blade
What is scapula
My heart will go on
What is Titanic
What does "hakuna matata" mean?
What is no worries
She is the rival to McDonalds
Who is Wendy
What goes up and down but does not move
What is stairs
What is the patella
The sun will come out tomorrow
What is Annie
True or false: Sleeping Beauty was a box office flop?
What is true
We have the meats
Who is Arbys
What can you catch but never throw
What is a cold
What are toes
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, even though the sound of it is something quite…
What is Mary Poppins
What was Stitch's experiment number in Lilo & Stitch?
What is 626
Their mascot is a clown
What has hands but cannot clap
What is a clock
Strongest bone
What is femur
I will always love you
What is The Bodyguard
What is Scar doing when he first appears in The Lion King?
What is playing with a mouse he is going to eat
There are 5 people in the name
Five Guys
What has to be broken before you can use it
What is an egg
3 sections of the spine
What is cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
From the day we arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun....
The Lion King
What is Minnie Mouse's full first name?
What is Minerva
Fast food chain with the second most stores in the world
What is Subway
What travels around the world but stays in one corner
What is a stamp