Action verbs
helping verbs
Past tense verbs
Present tense verbs
Future tense verbs

What are the action words in these sentence?

Mal walked to the zoo and ran to the giraffes.

Walked and ran


What are the Action verbs in the sentence?

Lizzy swimed for a hour and thirty minutes later that day she danced at her cousins house.

Swimed and danced


What are the action words in this sentence?

Lilly ran to the door  see her friend Lizzy later that day she played with Lizzy and jumped on the trampoline. 

Ran Played and jumped


Lauren and Mia ran to the park they played and played then they wen't to the swimming pool and swam they had  so much fun later that night they danced and danced.

In this sentence what action verbs are in this sentence?

Ran Played Swam and danced


What is the action verbs in these sentences.