Uniform Circular Motion
Dynamics of Circular Motion
Kepler's Laws and Gravitation
Mixed Review Questions

When an object moves in uniform circular motion, the direction of its acceleration is __.

Directed towards the center of the circular path.


A car goes around a circular curve on a horizontal road at constant speed. What is the direction of the friction force on the car due to the road?

Directed to the center of the circular path that the car is on.


How does increasing the mass of the International Space Station affect the orbital speed required to stay in orbit?

No change needed (All objects fall at the same rate and an orbiting object is a projectile in constant free fall so mass doesn't matter)


Two small blocks, A and B, attract each other gravitationally with a force of magnitude F. If we now double both masses and double the separation of the blocks, what will now be the magnitude of the attractive force on each one?



If you stood on a planet having a mass four times that of Earth's mass, and a radius two times that of Earth's radius, you would weigh ___.

The same as you do on Earth.


What is the name given to the "force" that seems to push an object to the outside of its circular path? What is this "force" really?

Centrifugal force -- inertia!


When a car goes around a circular curve on a horizontal road at constant speed, what force causes it to follow the circular path?

The friction force from the road on the car.


Describe the motion of planets around the Sun with regards to shape and speed

Elliptical path Travel faster when they are closer to the Sun Travel slower when they are further away from the Sun Gravitational force is the centripetal force


Two small objects, with masses m and M, are originally a distance r apart, and the magnitude of the gravitational force on each one is F. The masses are changed to 2m and 2M, and the distance is changed to 4r. What is the magnitude of the new gravitational force?



What type of force is required on the Gravitron ride to keep riders in circular motion? (Specific Force)



Each year, the moon gets a little bit farther away from the Earth, increasing the radius of its orbit. How does this change affect the length of the moon's period?

A month will get longer.


A 1000-kg car is moving at 30 m/s around a horizontal unbanked curve whose diameter is 0.20 km. What is the magnitude of the friction force required to keep the car from sliding?

9000 N


Going through a loop on a roller coaster, the minimum centripetal acceleration to not "fall out" will be...

9.8 m/s/s (The only force acting will be gravity at the top of the loop)


Two planets have the same surface acceleration due to gravity, but planet B has twice the radius of planet A. If planet A has mass m, what is the mass of planet B?



From what height above the surface of the earth should an object be dropped to initially experience an acceleration of 0.54g?

2,300,000 m


The curved section of a horizontal highway is a circular unbanked arc of radius 740 m. If the coefficient of static friction between this roadway and typical tires is 0.40, what would be the maximum safe driving speed for this horizontal curved section of highway?

54 m/s


True or false: If you swing a bucket of water fast enough in a vertical circle, at the highest point the water does not spill out. This happens because an outward force balances the pull of gravity on the water.

False. The water doesn't spill out because of the normal force of the bucket on the water directed towards the center of the circular path.


What is the gravitational force acting on a 59-kg person due to another 59-kg person standing 2.0 m away? We can model each person as a small sphere.

5.8 × 10^-8 N


Find the orbital speed of an ice cube in the rings of Saturn. The mass of Saturn is 5.68 x 1026 kg, and use an orbital radius of 1.00 x 105 km.

19.5 km/s


A 2.0-kg ball is moving with a constant speed of 5.0 m/s in a horizontal circle whose diameter is 1.0 m. What is the magnitude of the net force on the ball?

100 N


Planet Z-34 has a mass equal to one-third that of Earth and a radius equal to one-third that of Earth. With g representing, as usual, the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Earth, the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Z-34 is ___.

3g (29.4 m/s/s)


An asteroid of the asteroid belt orbits the sun an average of 3.2 AU. How many earth days does it take to orbit the sun?

Approximately 2100 Earth Days