Market Revolution
Jacksonian Democracy
Jacksonian Democracy
Social Reforms
Social Reforms II

Why did the invention of the Cotton Gin actually lead to an increase in enslaved labor?

Processing was now done by 1 person and the demand on growing and harvesting more led to the rise in enslaved people.


Why were the 1820s often referred to as the "Age of the Common Man"?

Many stipulations for voting were done away with and universal white male suffrage became the norm.


Andrew Jackson began many traditions for presidents like the system of patronage where friends and family were given jobs. What did he call this process?

Spoils System


The national event in the 1830s led to every other social reform movement

Second Great Awakening


Charles Grandison Finney is most associated with which movement in the early 1800s?

Second Great Awakening


What transportation development will make NYC become the center of trade by connecting bodies of water?

Erie Canal


A tariff was the center of sectional tension in the early 1830s.  The state of South Carolina wanted to disregard this federal tariff by invoking this action?



This crisis led to Andrew Jackson's entire Cabinet resigning.

Peggy Eaton Affair or the Petticoat Affair


What was the focus of the Second Great Awakening?

Emphasized the importance of the individual betterment and responsibility.


Where is Elizabeth Cady Stanton in this picture?

Seneca Falls Convention, New York


Name 2 parts of the American System put forth by Henry Clay.

1. Tariff of 1816

2. Rechartering the Bank of the United States

3. Internal improvements of canals, railroads and steam ships.


What led to the downfall of Pres. John Quincy Adams?

He passed the 1828 Tariff (Tariff of Abomination) that greatly irritated southern and western farmers.

The successor to Andrew Jackson, Martin van Buren was ruined due to a cyclical recession caused by speculation of western lands.  What was this titled?

Panic of 1837


Which movement is seen above?



This religious movement of the 1830s led to many Protestants moving to the Rockies and Utah to escape persecutions.



The first wave of immigrants after America becomes supplanted as a country are from what origin?

Germany (farmers) and Irish (factory workers)


Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency when he ignored a judicial ruling stating a law's unconstitutional.  What Act did he enforce despite it being illegal?

Indian Removal Act

Besides the veto of the Bank of the United States, how did Andrew Jackson weaken this large "Moneyed Monster"?

He defunded the bank and spread all of the funds into smaller state banks he called "pet banks."


Transcendental and Utopian societies began to pop up during the 1830s.  What was their key goal?

Create more perfect societies that focus on self-reliance.


What important document was produced at Seneca Falls, New York?

Declaration of Sentiments (a document stating the rights of women)


The first factories in America produced what good?

Textiles or clothing


What were 2 items that made Jackson very different from previous presidents?

First western pres.

First Democrat

Not as educated as previous presidents


This political party grew directly out of opposition to Andrew Jackson?

The Whigs

Noah Webster was a prominent Education reformer that first published dictionaries.  How did he impact America?

He helped create and record an "Americanized" version of English.


William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass were at the forefront of which social reform movement?
