Miscellaneous l
Important Figures
Texas Revolution
The Republic of Texas
Miscellaneous ll

1.  The first battle of the Texas Revolution was the

2. The townspeople refused to give a ______ to the Mexicans

3.  A flag with the words, ________ flew over the cannon

4. The _____ won the Battle of Gonzales

1. Battle of Gonzales

2. cannon 

3. “Come and Take It”

4. Texans


Who led the 5,000 Mexican soldiers at the Battle of the Alamo?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna


What event from the Texas Revolution is this describing:

was the last battle of the Texas Revolution, and it took 18 minutes

The Texans were led by General Sam Houston and the Mexican army was led by Santa Anna

During the battle, soldiers cried out, “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad”

Battle of San Jacinto (April 21, 1836) 


–a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.



The main duty of the Texas Rangers was to:

protect settlers from Native American attacks


What was the largest immigrant group in Texas during the 1830s? 



a famous U.S. Congressman and frontiersman, joined up with Texans to fight (Tennessee) 

Davy Crockett


What event during the Texas Revolution is this describing? 

Many Texans were scared of Santa Anna and the Mexican Army after the Goliad Massacre (March 27, 1836)...

As they got closer colonists decided to leave their homes and belongings and head east to the United States

Many Texans died from disease and difficulties as they ran away

The Runaway Scrape 


Since Texans were now free from Mexico, they wrote the Texas Constitution and modeled it after the _________________________

Three branches of government were created: 

Under the new government, Texans would get to ____ for their leaders

U.S. Constitution

legislative, executive, and judicial



Many Americans supported __________ – the belief the U.S. should own all land from the east coast to the west coast – this included Texas

Manifest Destiny


Texas independence was officially declared on __________ , and Texans today still celebrate this date

March 2, 1836


__________ and _________ were the Texas leaders at the Alamo

Colonel William B. Travis; James Bowie


How many days did the battle of the Alamo last? 

Who won? 

13; Mexico 


The ________ was a popular cattle breed during the Early Republic;

_______ was a major food source grown on Texans’ family farms, and ______ was the favorite cash crop to grow

Texas Longhorn;

Corn; Cotton


1. Texas was in ______ (owed money) after fighting the Texas Revolution

2. Texans argued about whether or not they should be _______ (added) to the United States

3. Texans worried about _______ from Mexico and Native Americans

1. debt 

2. annexed

3. attacks


What was the U.S.-Mexican War fought over?

Mexico felt that the ________ was the border between Texas and Mexico

The U.S. felt that the _______ was the border between Texas and Mexico

The U.S. and Mexico disagreed over the boundary of Texas;

Rio Grande;

Nueces River


__________ was a witness and survivor of the Alamo

She was brought to Santa Anna, and he gave her a blanket and $2 in silver

Santa Anna sent _________  as a messenger to warn Sam Houston and Texans about what happened at the Alamo

Susanna Dickinson


He wrote his famous Victory or Death letter, asking for help since the Texans were surrounded by the Mexican army and outnumbered

William B. Travis 


The ________ separated the seeds from the cotton fibers quickly and increased cotton production.  _____ slaves were needed to pick cotton from the fields to be cleaned by the gin

cotton gin;



After the Mexican American War, the Treaty of _________ was signed.  It declared the Rio Grande as the border between the U.S. and Mexico

Guadalupe Hidalgo 


List the five flags that have flown over Texas (in order) that we have discussed in class.   

1. Spain 

2. France (Back to Spain)

3. Mexico 

4. Republic of Texas 

5. The United States of America 


Texans held a meeting at ________________ to discuss independence, and they agreed it was time

_________________ wrote most of the Texas Declaration of Independence


George C. Childress


Put these battles from the Texas Revolution in chronological order: 

1. Battle of San Jacinto 

2. Goliad Massacre (Fort Defiance/La Bahia) 

3. Battle of the Alamo 

4. Battle of Gonzales 

5. Signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence 

1. Battle of Gonzales (Oct. 2, 1835)

2. Battle of the Alamo (Feb. 23, 1836 - (March 6, 1836)

3. Signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence - (March 2, 1836)  

4. Goliad Massacre (March 27, 1836)

5. Battle of San Jacinto (April 21, 1836)


A___________ started in Texas under the Mexican Constitution of 1824, continued into the Republic, and remains through today. The government doesn’t interfere much, so businesses can compete for a profit (make money), and consumers get to choose who they want to buy from

What is this called? 

free enterprise economy


List the Presidents of the Republic of Texas in order: 

1. Sam Houston 

2. Mirabeau B. Lamar

3. Sam Houston 

4. Anson Jones