Unit 1 (simple present/progressive)
Unit 2 (simple past)
Unit 3 (past progressive/simple past)
Unit 5 (wh questions)
Fill in the blank with the correct verb (simple present or present progressive): We _________ about past progressive, simple past, and wh questions this week in class. (learn)
are learning
Fill in the blank with the correct verb (simple past): I _________ those shoes yesterday. (wear)
I wore those shoes yesterday.
Complete the sentence using either the simple past or past progressive form of the verb in (parentheses): "I ___________ my homework when my roommate came back from class." (do)
"I WAS DOING my homework..."
Complete the question using the correct wh question word: ________ did you eat lunch? (Answer: at Chipolte)
WHERE did you eat lunch?

What s the pronunciation of loved ?


Fill in the blank with the correct verb (simple present or present progressive): I _________ snow because it's too cold. (not like)
don't/do not like
Fill in the blank with the correct verb (simple past): I _________ the answer before the teacher asked me. (know)
I knew the answer...
Complete the sentence using either the simple past or past progressive form of the verb in (parentheses): "While I was cooking, my roommate ___________ to her parents on her phone." (talk)
"While I was cooking, my roommate WAS TALKING to her parents on her phone."
Complete the question using the correct wh question word: ___________ did your movie ticket cost? (Answer: ten dollars)
HOW MUCH did your movie ticket cost?

Tell me the ptonunciation of "worked"


What is wrong with this sentence? (Say it in the correct way.) "We usually are eating lunch at noon."
"We usually eat lunch at noon."
What is wrong with this sentence? (Say it in the correct way.) "I taked a bottle of water to class."
"I TOOK a bottle of water to class."
What is wrong with this sentence? (Say it in the correct way): "I was walking on Burlington Street while a car accident happened right in front of me!"
"I was walking on Burlington Street WHEN a car accident happened right in front of me!"
What is wrong with this sentence? (Say it in the correct way): "Who he called?"
Answer: "Who did he call?" or "Who called him?"

What is the past participle of the verb "see"


Tell me a sentence using a present progressive verb correctly.
Example: "I am taking level E classes this semester."
Tell me a sentence using the past tense word "made."
Example: "I made a sandwich for lunch."
Tell me a complete sentence in past voice using "when" correctly. (You can use all simple past verbs or a combination of simple past and past progressive.)
Examples: "When I heard the noise, I looked out my window." "I was playing basketball in the gym when my roommate asked for help."
Ask me a correct question that starts with a wh-word.
Example: "How are you?"

When do we use the "id" pronunciation?

When a verbs ends with "t" or with "d"

Do you use simple present or present progressive to describe how someone feels? Why do we use this tense for feelings?
1.) We use simple present for someone's feelings. (Example: I love the snow!) 2.) We use simple present for feelings because feelings need non-action verbs.
When we use the helping/auxillary verb "did" in negative statements or questions, what happens to the main verb?
Answer: Nothing happens to the main verb. It stays in its base form. Example: "I didn't TAKE your money."/"Did you TAKE my money?"
What is the difference between the meaning of simple past and past progressive?
Answer: When you use a simple past verb, it means the action is finished and completed. When you use a past progressive verb, it means a past activity got interrupted or two actions were happening at the same time in the past.
Why does the question below not have a helping/auxillary verb? Question: "Who helped you today?"
Answer: The question is asking about the subject, so we don't use "did" (helping/auxillary verb).

Provide three verbs in past participle with the letter "W"


