Verb Tenses
Sentence Structures
Coordinating Conjunctions
Conjunctive Adverbs
Subordinating Conjunctions

3 main tenses in English

What are Past, Present, Future?


Subject + Predicate

What is a simple sentence?


FANBOYS stands for...

What is for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so?


THAMOs stands for...

What is therefore, however, also, meanwhile, and otherwise?


The purpose of SWABIs is...

What is to connect 2 complete thoughts together?


Convert the sentence "She walks to school" into past tense.

"She walked to school."


Independent Clause + Independent Clause

What is a compound sentence?


Create a compound sentence using "but" as a coordinating conjunction

Ex. "I love all grammar, but FANBOYS is my favorite."


Use "however" in a sentence as a conjunctive adverb.

Ex. "I love all grammar, however, THAMOs are my favorite."

Identify the subordinating conjunction in the following sentence: "Although it was late, he decided to stay."

What is although?

"I'll have finished cooking by then." 

What is future perfect tense?


Independent Clause + Dependent Clause

What is a complex sentence?

Rewrite this sentence using a coordinating conjunction: "I wanted to go for a run. It was too cold."

What is "I wanted to go for a run, but it was too cold."


Create a sentence using a conjunctive adverb to connect two independent clauses.

Ex. "Ms. Jansen loves THAMOs, meanwhile, Bitters loves FANBOYS!"

Create a complex sentence using "because" as a subordinating conjunction.

Ex. "Because he was obsessed with grammar, he won jeopardy for this group." OR "He won jeopary for his team because of his obsession with grammar."


Explain the difference between simple past and present perfect tense.

Both verbs end in -ed, but present perfect uses the helping verb "have"

Dependent Clause + Independent Clause + Independent Clause

What is a compound-complex sentence?


Explain how coordinating conjunctions can affect sentence clarity.

What is... Clearly express relationships, avoid run-ons, balance sentences, avoid ambiguity, and/or emphasize key ideas?


The correct conjunctive adverb for the sentence “The boys argued fiercely; ___________, they eventually agreed on a plan to keep the fire going.”

What is “however,” “nevertheless,” or “ultimately”?


Compare the use of subordinating conjunctions with coordinating conjunctions.

What is CC's show balance and equality of ideas, and SC's show cause/effect, condition, and/or contrast?


Create a sentence using the past continuous tense.

Uses the past tense of the verb "to be" and the "-ing" form of the verb. For example, "I was studying for the test all night"


This sentence's structure: "Although it was raining, we went for a walk, and we enjoyed it."

What is compound-complex?


Provide a sentence with multiple coordinating conjunctions and analyze its structure.

Ex. "She wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining, so they decided to stay home and watch movies instead." Indepedent Clause + (conjunction) + Independent Clause + (conjunction) + Indpendent Clause


Correctly punctuate this sentence:
“The fire went out therefore the boys lost their chance to be rescued.”

What is “The fire went out; therefore, the boys lost their chance to be rescued”?


Rewrite the following sentence using a subordinating conjunction:
“The boys didn’t notice the fire had gone out. They were distracted by the feast.”

What is “The boys didn’t notice the fire had gone out because they were distracted by the feast”?