Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10

These men were responsible for producing oil and steel during the Big Business Era. Who are they?

Andrew Carnegie- Steel

Rockefeller- Oil 


What is the Importance of a Muckraker? Which Book was created to put out negative information about the meat packing business?

Muckracker- someone who tells corrupt information.

The Jungle


What were the causes of the Great Depression?

Housing Market

Stock Market

Dust Bowl

Banks Collapsed

Overproduction of goods


What is the policy that was implemented during the Cold War? What was the other document that were issued during this time to stop the Red Scare?

The containment policy. 

Trumane Doctrine


Who was the 1st black catholic president?

Barack Obama


What Islands were Asian and Europeans people arriving to? Which group went to which Island?

Ellis- Eastern Europeans

Angel- Asian



What court case overturned Plessy vs. Fergurson?

Brown V Board of Education


What President created a program during the Great Depression that is know for its Relief, Recovery, and Reform methods? What was the program that he created?


New Deal 1 and 2


What is McCarthyism?

An attack on individuals on suspected beliefs with no proof.


Which president was responsible for the relationship mending with China?

President Nixon


How did Barbwire impact the Native Americans? What was the final battle the Indians fought in that ended in a Massacre?  

 Buffalos migrated away from the reservations.

Battle of Wounded Knee.


what is the 13th, 14th, 15th 18th, and 19th amendment?  

 13th- abolish slavery

14th- citizenship


18th- alcohol 

19th- women's tights


How did the 1st lady Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of the 1st lady including those impacted by the New Deal?   

She was an advocate for women and blacks. She fought against discrimination.


What us Sputnik and how did it impact education?  

A Soviet Union Satellite. STEM was created in schools focusing on technology, science, and math.


 What is the Wars Power Act? 

an act that checked and limit the power of the president by requiring the approval of congress to put American troops in combat areas


Which Act banned a certain Asian group from entering the USA?

Chinese Excursion Act  


Why did the USA reject joining the League of Nations?  

They wanted to remain natural and not get involved in foreign affairs.


Why did the USA join WWII?

The attack on Pearl Harbor


What is the Cuban missile crisis? What is the Bay of Pigs?  

Cuban Missile: the Soviet Union had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba in response to the US placing missiles in Turkey. 

Bay of Pigs: A failed attack launched by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to push Cuban leader Fidel Castro from power. Spies were caught and the US paid a ransom.


What is Camp Davids Accord? Who was the President during this time?

Jimmy Carter

agreement brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Egyptian and Israeli that made a peace treaty between the two nations possible


Which Invention was the most influential during the Big Business Era that extended work hours and days for the working man.

The invention of the light bulb.


What were the 3 reasons that the USA decided to enter WWI?  

Sinking of the Lusitania 

Zimmerman Telegram

Submarine warfare.


How did the European Theatre end in WWII?  

D-Day- invasion of Normandy

Fall of Berlin

Hitler committed suicide.


How did television impact the American Culture?

Civil Rights Movement


Presidential Election with Kennedy


What is Reaganomics?

Economic policies of Reagan: tax cuts, decreased social spending, increased military spending, and deregulation of domestic markets. "Supply side economics" and "trickle down theory" = expenses of corporations are reduced, the savings will trickle down to the economy