Health Skill: Exchanging ideas and information clearly.
How many steps are in the decision making process?
Step 1 of the Goal Setting Process
identify a goal and write it down
the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
Friends or other people of your age group
Health Skill: You take a stand for the common good, and make a difference in your community, school, or home. You inform others about health practices.
What is Step 1 of the decision making process?
state the situation
Step 2 of the Goal Setting Process
List the steps to reach your goal
the overall state of well-being, or total health
steps that allow you to make a healthful decision.
decision making skills
Health Skill: You solve a disagreement in a way that satisfies both sides.
conflict resolution
What is Step 2 of the Decision Making Process?
list the options
Two types of goals
short term
long term
a goal you plan to accomplish within a period of months or years
long-term goal
behaviors that increase with each added risk.
cumulative risks
Health Skill: You say no to risky behaviors.
refusal skills
What is Step 3 of the Decision Making Process?
weigh possible outcomes
Step 5 of the Goal Setting Process
Evaluate your Progress
the beliefs and principles that guide the way a person lives
a goal that you can reach in a short time.
short-term goal
Health Skill: You plan for the future and work toward something you want to accomplish.
goal setting
What is Step 5 of the Decision Making Process?
make a decision and act
Step 6 of the Goal Making Process
Reward yourself
informing others about health practices and encouraging them to live healthy lives
the conscious, active choice not to participate in high risk behaviors
Health Skill: You find healthy ways to reduce and manage stress in your life
stress management
What does H.E.L.P. stand for when talking about the decision making process?
H - healthful
E - ethical
L - legal
P - parent approval
How are short term and long term goals related?
Short term goals are stepping stones to achieving long term goals
the sum of your surroundings, family, neighborhood, school your job
a goal that you can reach over an extended period of time.
long-term goal