Columbian Exchange
Spanish Interaction with Natives
Early Colonization
3 Colonial Regions
Influences on Colonial Society

Define Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange is the exchange of food, plants, animals, ideas, and people between the Old and New World.


What are the 3 G's? 

Gold, Glory, God


What was the first Permanent English settlement?

Jamestown, 1607

Name the 3 Colonial Regions

New England/North, Middle, South

This movement looked to focus on science over faith and reason over superstition. 

The Enlightenment


What was the purpose of Columbus' Journey?

To find a Trade route to India


Name one of the Spanish Conquistadors

(Bonus for naming which native group they conquered) 

Hernan Cortez (Aztec)

Francisco Pizzaro (Inca) 


What was the main export of the French in the Americas? 

Beaver fur, it was very profitable for them. 


What was the nickname of the Middle Colonies? Why? 

The Breadbasket, because of all of the fertile soil, they could grow a lot of products like wheat and corn. 


What is the term used to describe African Slavery in the US? 

Chattel Slavery, Chattel meaning property.


Name 1 thing brought over from the Old World to the New World and it's impact

Disease (Small Pox): Killed over 90% of the native population

Horses: revolutionized transportation for plains natives

Cows and Pigs: New, unique, food sources.


This system was used by the Spanish to enslave the natives to work on their land and convert them to catholicism

The Encomienda System


Describe the relationship between the French and the Native Americans

The Natives and the French had a mutually beneficial relationship. The French taught the Natives how to trap and hunt beaver, in return the French gave the natives manufactured goods like guns, clothes and other goods. 


Which colonial region grew Tobacco? What was needed to grow it? 

The South, Land and Labor


Why was Bacon's Rebellion Significant? 

It led to the colonies to stop the use of Indentured Servants, and instead turned to the use of African Slaves 


Name 1 thing brought over from the New World to the Old World and it's impact

Potatoes/Corn: Caloric-rich foodstuffs that will lead to population growths in Europe


This system was used to rank people in the Spanish colonies based on their race and ancestry. The more Spanish you were, the higher up the heirarchy you were. 

The Casta/Caste system


The process in which a mother country acquired the resources of it's colonies for cheap, and in turn sold manufactured goods for a profit. The Mother Country received the majority, if not all, of the wealth. 



Because of the Rocky and infertile soil, the New England colonies focused on what to make money? 

Trade, manufacturing, ship building, whaling. 


This religious revival will see a growth in churches of baptist and methodist faith, colleges be established, and a sense of cultural Americanism grow

The First Great Awakening. 


What was the longterm impact on Native populations due to the Columbian Exchange? 

Native populations will dwindle. As such, the Spanish will look to import African Slaves to make up for the loss of labor


What was argued over in the Valladolid debate? 

(Bonus for naming one of the members of the debate and their stance) 

The Valladolid debate was over how the natives in the Spanish Colonies should be treated. 

De Las Casas argued the natives should be treated more humanely and with kindness

Sepulveda believed that while the treatment was harsh, the natives were savages and needed to be brought to order through such acts. 


What was Salutary Neglect? 

The process in which the British would ease trade restrictions on the American Colonies as long as they remained loyal to the British crown. 


What is the name of the colonial region that is made up of only Virginia and Maryland? 

The Chesapeake Bay Area 


What part of the Declaration of Independence was influenced by the writings of John Locke?

Bonus for what was changed

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Life, Liberty, and Property