13 Colonies
Foundations of Government
Towards Revolution
The American Revolution
The US Constitution

New advances in sailing and navigation technology, as well as concerns over the time and cost to travel overland, led countries to search for a ____ _____ to Asia.

Western Passage


This document was written in 1620 and outlined how the Pilgrims would make decisions after departing their ship. 

The Mayflower Compact


This war led to the British being in debt and also having significantly more North American territory to survey and protect. 

French & Indian War


It was this statement, "No ______ without __________" that was heard throughout the Revolution. 

Taxation, Representation


During the Revolution, Americans created this governing document, which gave all power to the states and did not allow for the government to tax people. 

The Articles of Confederation


This region of colonies, which included New York and Pennsylvania, were known for producing grain, wood ships, and manufactured goods. 

Middle Colonies


This British document greatly influenced the colonists as they created their governments. 

The Magna Carta


This vocabulary term explains the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain, showcasing how the British were very hands off and did not enforce many laws in the colonies.

Salutary Neglect


This pamphlet written by Thomas Paine was widely circulated throughout the colonies and led to greater support of independence. 

Common Sense


______ Rebellion made it clear that the Articles of Confederation were not going to work. There needed to be a plan for debt and a federal army. 



This group of colonies, which included Massachusetts, was know for producing rum, whale oil, and fur.

New England Colonies

This Enlightenment thinker's ideas greatly influenced colonial governments, especially their focus on consent of the governed. 

John Locke


The statement created an imaginary line down the Appalachian Mountains and directed that colonists could not settle west of the line. 

Proclamation Line of 1763


This document official declared the colony's independence from Great Britain. 

The Declaration of Independence


This constitutional compromise dealt with how enslaved persons would count in a state's population for the purpose of representation in the House of Representatives. 

3/5s Compromise
The purpose of this system is for colonies to provide wealth to a mother country.



This man, who becomes the US's first president, served in the Virginia House of Burgesses.

George Washington


This event occurred in Boston, and the exaggeration of what happened circulated around the colonies and enraged many colonists. 

The Boston Massacre


True or false: the Declaration of Independence did the following:

1. Explain the nature of government and the natural rights that people have

2. Listed grievances against the King 

3. Stated the colonies would now be a free nation 



This group of people believed that the Articles of Confederation could be fixed, that the government should stay very small, and a Bill of Rights should be included along with the governing document. 



In this form of slavery, a person would have a contract with their owner, which would detail the amount of time they needed to work in order to earn their freedom in the colonies. 

Indentured servitude 


Name an example of colonial self-government.

New England town meetings, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Maryland Toleration Act of 1649, Right to Petition, etc. 


This act in 1764 made it so colonists would need to pay a tax on all official documents and publications. Once taxes were paid, they would receive a stamp as a receipt. 

The Stamp Act


True or False: The American Revolution began in 1775 and ended in 1783.



This branch of government has the Supreme Court and is responsible for deciding whether or not laws are constitutional. 

The Judicial Branch