1.1 & 1.2 Faith and Humans
1.3 Conceptions of Faith
2.1 Tawhid
2.2 Nabuwwa
2.3 Imamat

What is a sign of God? Give and Example

Anything that happens which makes us reflect, remember, love, or serve God


What does the word Iman mean?

Iman means: unconditional trust in Allah


What does Tawhid mean?

The Oneness / Uniqueness of Allah/ God


What does Nabuwwa mean?

The belief in Prophets, selected people from God, who guide us to awareness of God and virtue.


What does Imamat mean?

The belief and allegiance to an appointed Imam (Mowla/Guide/Lord).

The belief in the continuation of this appointed leader through the lineage of Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatimah.


What are 3 examples of ethics of our faith?

Being Kind

Being Compassionate

Serving others / self

Being Honest

Being Brave

Doing the right thing

Teacher's Approved Answers


The debate on Piety asked us what question? 

What was the idea Socrates and Euthyphro shared?

It asked us why we do good deed.

Do we do good deeds because Allah likes them or does Allah like them because they are good deeds?


Name 4 religions that believe in ONE God



Christianity (non-Trinity sects)





Name 7 Prophets

Any 7 Prophets accepted by teacher - there were 124 Thousand Prophets (29 of which are named in Qur'an)


What is the event of Ghadir - e - Khum and what did Prophet Muhammad say at the event?

The event where Allah told Prophet to select Hazrat Ali as the first Imam for the Muslims - he said Whomever's Mowla I am, Ali is their Mowla.


According to Hazar Imam, what is our vision in faith as Ismaili muslims?

To be pluralistic - learn to accept, understand and value the pluralism of others and their culture/ societies.


What are some terms used by Allah that refer to people in a religious community? Name 3

Muslim = one who submits

Mu-min = one who believes

Kafir = one who disbelieves

Munafiq = one who is a hypocrite

Umma = the community


Name 5 names of Allah

Any five accepted names


What are 4 roles that different Prophets have had?

Guide/ Warner/ Revealer/ Storyteller/ Example/ Purifier/ Teacher/ Messenger/ Intercessor


Name 3 different kinds of Shi'a Muslims other than Ismailis.

Zaydis, Musta'alis, Ithna'Asharis, Shi'a Sufis, Alevis, Alids


What is the relationship between Faith and Intellect?

According to our Imam: Intellect is a facet/part of Faith. They are not separate. The more you learn, the closer you are to Allah.


What does Wilaya mean?

Who has this Wilaya?

It refers to a leader who has authority to lead the Muslim community

Shi'a see the Imam as the person with wilaya


Name 3 ways of engaging with the Oneness of Allah

Prayers, Zikr Tasbih, Service, Following Imam's Farmans, Reading Quran, etc


What are various ways that people pray to Prophets?

Salwat, Tasbihs, Prayers specific, reading Quran verses on Prophet, learning about the Prophet.


According to Hazar Imam, which Madhab (school of law) do Ismaili Muslims follow? Hint: it is named after an Imam

Ja'fari Madhab


What is the idea of living your life according to your faith everyday?

What is the term used to explain how there is more to this life than just physical responsibilities? 

Taqwa/ Awareness of Allah/ Having a vision in faith/ being an Ismaili Muslim/

The balance of Din and Duniya


What is the purpose of living an ethical and faithful life?

Your answer must include the following concepts: Presence of Allah, Eternity of the Soul, the community, and virtue (balancing life).

Answer to be accepted by teacher


Explain the concept of Allah being beyond comprehension.

Why do we have so many ways of talking about God if he is beyond comprehension?

Teacher to accept answer.


How do Muslims around the world engage with Prophet Muhammad?

Name at least: 1 prayer, 1 celebration, 1 devotional event, 1 lifestyle choice, and 1 art/decoration.

Salwat/Tasbih, Milad un Nabi, Laylat ul Qadr, Following Hadith, Calligraphy of Prophet's name.


How is the Imam of the Time evidence of the Love of Allah being ever-present to you?

Teacher to accept answer