Fractions and Decimals
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers
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There are multiple steps to convert a fraction to a decimal. However, what is the one word summary we have used to describe this process?

What is divide?


How do we convert a decimal to a percent? Percent to decimal? Use precise mathematical vocabulary. 

To convert a decimal to a percent, we multiply by a power of ten; specifically 100. To convert a percent to a decimal, we divide by a power of 10, specifically 100. 


What are the three steps (simplified) for multiplying fractions?

What is 1. Multiply the numerators 2. Multiply the denominators 3. Check if you can simplify


Dwight wants to buy Mickey Mouse ears for the entire office. If each pair costs $27.75 and there are 14 people in the office, how much will Dwight spend in total?

What is $388.50?


The Kansas City Chiefs won 75% of their games this season. If they played a total of 16 games, how many games did they win?

What is 12 games?


When converting a fraction to a decimal, which part of the fraction is your dividend? Divisor?

Dividend = numerator, Divisor = denominator


The park ranger noticed that 0.32 of the trees have turned red, 0.45 have turned yellow, and the rest are still green. What percentage of trees are still green? Express your answer to the nearest hundredth of a percent.

What is 32%?

How do you divide fractions?

Keep. Change. Reciprocal. 


Gandalf's staff is 6 feet long. If he wants to cut it into 3/4 foot sections for a magic trick, how many sections will he have?

What is 8 sections?


The Los Angeles Rams' quarterback completed 2/5 of his passes in a game. If he attempted 40 passes, how many did he complete?

What is 16 passess?

  1. During a fall baking contest, Emma used 11/16 of a cup of pumpkin puree in her signature autumn spice cake. The judge asked her to convert this amount to a decimal rounded to the nearest thousandth. What decimal number should Emma give to the judge?

What is 0.688?


In a fall-themed math class project, 42% of the students chose to do a project on changing leaves, 0.35 chose pumpkins, and the rest chose harvest. What decimal represents the fraction of students who chose the harvest theme? If there are 200 students in total, how many chose each theme? 

What is 0.23? And: 

Changing leaves 84, Pumpkins 70, Harvest 46





Harry's Firebolt broom can fly 120 miles on a full tank of magic fuel. If he uses 1/3 of a tank for a Quidditch match, how many miles can he fly?

What is 40 miles?


The Dallas Cowboys gained 385.5 yards in their last game. If 40% of these yards were from running plays, how many yards did they gain from passing plays?

What is 231.3 yards?


What is the equivalent fraction for 1.375? Check for simplification. 

1 3/8 


A corn maze charges $8.00 for adult admission and $6.00 for child admission. They decide to offer a 25% discount for adults and 1/3 off discount for children. If a family of 5, two adults and three children attend, how much should they expect to pay?  

What is $24.00? 


What are the 3 steps for multiplying decimals (simplified)?

1. Line up the numbers as if they were WHOLE NUMBERS (ignore the decimal)

2. Multiply like normal

3. Count the number of places after the decimal, and move decimal that many places. 


At Hogwarts, a cauldron of Felix Felicis takes 4 2/3 hours to brew. If Professor Slughorn wants to make 3 1/2 cauldrons, how many hours will it take in total?

What is 16 hours and 20 minutes or 16 1/3?


The New Orleans Saints completed 65% of their third-down conversions. If they had 80 third-down attempts throughout the season, how many did they successfully convert?

What is 52 conversions?


Leaf-raking efficiency is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. Jake's efficiency is 0.75, while his sister Mia's efficiency is 5/6. Express both efficiencies as fractions with a common denominator.

Answers may vary...


During a fall festival, the pumpkin patch sold 75% of their pumpkins. If the pumpkin patch had 840 pumpkins originally, how many pumpkins are left unsold? Express your answer as both a decimal and a percentage of the original amount. 

What is 210 pumpkins left over or 25% and 0.25 are left over?


What is the main difference between dividing a decimal by a whole number, and dividing a decimal by a decimal?

You must move the decimal in the divisor by multiplying by a power of ten. 


The fair's petting zoo has 80 animals. If 1/4 of the animals are goats, 3/8 are sheep, and the rest are rabbits, how many rabbits are in the petting zoo?

What is 30 rabbits?


The Baltimore Ravens' kicker successfully made 18 out of 20 field goal attempts. What percentage of his field goals did he make?

What is 90%?