Pre-Columbian Tribes
Spanish Settlers
Early British Colonies
New England Colonies
Seven Years War

This geological Feature allowed Early American Indians to come to America

What is a land bridge?


This Italian explorer was sent across the Atlantic to trade with Asia.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This company sent the first British settlers to America.

What is the Virginia Company?


This rebellion led to a decrease in the use of indentured servitude in the colonies.

What is Bacon's rebellion?


This plan proposed by Ben Franklin was based around a single intercolonial govt. 

What is the Albany Plan of Union?


This Tribe, concentrated in what is now the Four Corners Region, is known for large "pueblos" and vast roads that would facilitate trade with other tribes.

Who are the Anasazi?


This cruel system, utilized by Spain, relied on enslaved natives for labor.

What is the Encomienda system?


This cash crop saved the British Settlements by setting an economic base for British Settlements

What is Tobacco?


This British policy saw lax enforcement of parliamentary rules in the colonies.

What is Salutary neglect?


A dispute over this territory sparked the beginning of the seven years war.

What is the Ohio Backcountry?


This collection of  Tribes inhabited forests east of the Mississippi River, lived in wooden communal structures, and built religious mounds resembling animals

What are the Eastern Woodland Tribes?


This dreaded naval route was used to transports Africans to the new world for use as slaves.

What is the middle passage?


This town was the first English Settlement in America.

What is Jamestown?


This set of acts was used to enforce mercantilism on colonists.

What are the navigation acts?


The Treaty of Paris 1763 would give England all land east of this river.

What is the Mississippi river?


These tribes Lived along the Mississippi River and by the Great Lakes. They are Known for building massive mounds of earth and large settlements housing tens of thousands of people.

What are the Mississippian cultures?


This European disease decimated Native populations.

What is Small Pox?


This Alliance of American Indians existed for the sole purpose of resisting English Settlement.

What is the Powhatan confederacy?


This policy allowed unconverted members of church to partake in services.

What is hallway covenant?


England issued the Proclamation of 1763 to prevent colonists from traveling east of this range of mountain's.

What is the Appalachian Mountain Range?


This Tribe inhabited what is now southern Arizona. They are known for their use of large scale irrigation which allowed them to grow much maize. 

Who are the Hohokam?

This Native revolt resisted the Spanish settlement of New Mexico for over a decade.

What is the Pueblo Revolt?


The initial goal of early English settlers was to find this resource.

What is Gold?


This religious movement unified the colonies that saw an increase of faith in the colonies.

What is the great awakening?


This group of Indians continued to fight British following the end of Britain's war with France.

Who are the Huron Indians?