Character Traits
Active/ Passive voice
The Medicine Bag
Animal Words/Vocab

The author provides clues by describing apperance, actions, feelings.

What is indirect characterization?


The subject is doing the action in the sentence.

What is active voice?

The amount of days Grandpa traveled on the bus.

What is two and a half days?


The symbolism of the white man's iron.

What is his purpose?


Grandma could not take karate lessons because she is _____.

What is frail?


When Sam said, “I scored three touchdowns last game,” Sid said, “I can beat that.” When Eleanor said, “I got an 87 in Math,” Sid said, “I can beat that." Sid is.

What is competitive?


Troupe Hellas performed traditional dances from Greece. This is an example of ...

What is active voice?


The money Grandpa carried in his boots was for...

What is a funeral/groceries?


The symbolism of the medicine bag.

What is Martin's acceptance of his heritage?


As she sat waiting for the doctor, her hands were clammy. The meaning of clammy.

What is sweaty?


When Paula came over, Susan and Janet were sitting around being bored. Paula called the museum to find out what the hours were. Then, she found the bus schedule and got Susan and Janet out the door. Paula is _______.

What is adventurous?


Hints of oregano, garlic, and cinnamon were detected in the air. This is an example of ...

What is passive voice?


Grandpa's father did this on the mountain to help him pray. 

What is fasting?


The symbol in this story...

Dana struggled to learn how to dance. She practiced and practiced, but she still

felt clumsy, and eventually became discouraged and sad. One morning at

breakfast with her dad, she glanced out the window. A squirrel was trying to get

food from a birdfeeder Dad had hung on a tree. Over and over again, the squirrel

would leap from a nearby branch onto the feeder. Each time, he would fall to the

ground. Then, he’d shake himself off, climb the tree, and try again. He kept at it

until finally, he succeeded. Then, he gobbled up all of Dad’s birdseed. “That

squirrel!” Dad said with a laugh. “He never quits!” Dana had the same idea.

Maybe she could be a squirrel, too.

What is a squirrel?

They turned their heads and smiled ___________ at her.

What is sheepishly?


Most of the time, Emily is cheerful and talks a lot. Every now and then, though, she gets in a quiet mood and does not say much. This is 

What is direct characterization?

Grandpa took the bus to get to Martin’s family. Change to passive voice.

What is "The bus was taken by Grandpa to get to Martin's family."?


The medicine bag's purpose...

What is to protect from evil?


Dana struggled to learn how to dance. She practiced and practiced, but she still

felt clumsy, and eventually became discouraged and sad. One morning at

breakfast with her dad, she glanced out the window. A squirrel was trying to get

food from a birdfeeder Dad had hung on a tree. Over and over again, the squirrel

would leap from a nearby branch onto the feeder. Each time, he would fall to the

ground. Then, he’d shake himself off, climb the tree, and try again. He kept at it

until finally, he succeeded. Then, he gobbled up all of Dad’s birdseed. “That

squirrel!” Dad said with a laugh. “He never quits!” Dana had the same idea.

Maybe she could be a squirrel, too.

The symbol represents..

What is persistence?


The field was so empty. The remaining trees were straggled along the road.

What is messy?


Roberto has arrived,” said Roberto loudly, stepping onto the basket ball court. He handed his jacket to Rodney, the friend who followed him everywhere. Roberto was wearing a top-brand sports shirt. He flexed his arm muscles so that others could admire them. The other players looked at each other nervously. Roberto is.

What is full of himself?


Change from active to passive... At almost one in the morning we realized the time.

What is "At almost one in the morning the time was realized by us."


The name of the tribe Grandpa is apart of...

Who are the Lakota?


The sacred sage represents...

What is new ownership?


People will lionize you as the Voice of a Generation. The meaning of lionize.

What is attention?