do I need an Umbrella?
Jared Diamonds in the sky
We found love (in a European place)
please don't stop the British
only girl in the fjord

These are the defining characteristics of C climate.

What is not too hot, cold, wet, dry?

Of the three major grain crops mentioned in class, this is considered the best.

What is wheat?


This is the major issue with Europe's declining population that was discussed in class.

What is less tax revenue?


In the Brexit vote, the Scottish mostly voted for this?

What is to stay in the EU?


This is what is so significant about Icelandic.

What is considered to be very difficult to learn and very literal?

When the EU was voting to kick Poland out, this was the only country that voted to keep Poland in the EU.

What is Hungary?


This is where the industrial revolution started.

What is Great Britain (or the United Kingdom)?


The term for this is EU Schengen.

What is passport-free travel between members states?


This is considered to be "the last straw that broke the camel's back" when it comes to Brexit.

What is the Syrian Civil War and Germany welcoming in Syrian refugees?


This major structure is located on the Norwegian island of Svalbard.

What is the Global Seed Vault? 

This is how the Netherlands uses their frequent flooding to their advantage.

What is windmills, canals, and irrigation?


These are the four "magic" animals that were native to the old world (Europe).

What are the cow, horse, sheep, and pig?


The term for this (in geography) is devolution.

What is a part of a country that wants to gain independence?


These are the four autonomous regions that make up the United Kindgom.

What are England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland?


This is why Denmark wants Greenland.

What is maritime (water) territory?


This physical landscape in Europe is known for its rugged landscape, colder weather, and poor agricultural potential.

What are the Western Uplands?


This is where Europe is on the land hemisphere AND why it matters.

What is the center, which is important because Europe had the advantage of being closer to everywhere else?


These are the languages each major region of Belgium Speaks.

What are Dutch in Flanders and French in Wallonia?


This peace treaty between the British and the Irish is often considered to be one of the greatest ever.

What is the Good Friday Agreement?


This is why Denmark has so many bikers.

What is a high car tax?


This physical landscape in Europe is known for it's warmer weather, abundance of coastline, and high agricultural potential.

What are the North European Lowlands?


This explains why China was not just as or more dominant in taking over the world.

What is Haijin (and Europe's nation-states)?


Aside from tourism, these three industries explain why Switzerland is so successful, despite their poor geography.

What are watches, banking, and dairy?


How did Brexit complicate relations between the UK and Ireland?

What is border stuff?

This is why places like Norway, Iceland, and the UK are warm enough to be habitable.

What is the North Atlantic Current/Gulf Stream?