Pre Giving Care

Repeatedly give them 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts

How to care for a choking adult?


Check, call, care

What are the Emergency Action Steps?


When should you activate the EMS system?

In emergency conditions such as chest pain, breathing problems, severe burns, and broken bones

In emergency situations such a as fire, someone is drowning, and a injured/I'll person needs medical attention 


Confirm the child is unresponsive and not breathing, place them on their back, give 30 chest compressions, give 2 rescue breaths. Continue giving the compressions and breaths until their is a sign of life or EMS personnel takes over

How to give CPR to a child?


Occurs when the heart stops beating/beats ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs

What is Cardiac Arrest?


How do you give care to someone who is pregnant but is choking?

Do not give abdominal thrusts, just chest thrusts


Before calling or giving care, what are you checking for?

If the scene safe to enter, what happened, how many people are involved, what is you initial impression about the nature of the person's illness/injury, and is anyone else available to help?


Latex-free disposable gloves, CPR breathing barriers, and washing your hands

What is Personal Protective Equipment?


Compress about 2 inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute

What are the chest compressions for a child?

Have someone call 911, begin CPR immediately, and use an AED so soon as possible

How to care for someone having a cardiac arrest?


Looks panicked or confused, place their hands on their throat, may be able to cough, and maybe not

What are the signs that someone is choking?


Obtaining Consent to help includes?

Stating your name, the training you have, what you think is wrong and what you plan to do, and asking if you may help


This protects responders who act the way a "reasonable and prudent person" would act if that person were in the same situation

What are the Good Samaritan Laws?


To ensure the two pads do not touch, place one on its back and one on its front, instead of both on the chest

How to use an AED on an infant?


When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked

When does a heart attack happen?


When will brain damage begin without oxygen?

4 to 6 minutes


Someone is unresponsive, confused, or mentally impaired but needs help

When would you be granted implied consent to help?


Can be spread from person to person directly or indirectly. It causes disease and usually is spread when in contact with another person's bodily fluids

What are pathogens?


headache, a change in the person's level of activity, a change in their mental status, lethargy, and difficulty sleeping

What are symptoms that could indicate a medical emergency in an older adult? 


This can help to prevent blood clotting and is most effective when given soon after the onset of signs and symptoms of a heart attack

What is aspirin?


How to position a choking infant?

While giving back blows and chest thrusts, make sure the infant is tilted at an angle


How long should you check for responsiveness and breathing for?

No more than 5 to 10 seconds


S= signs and symptom 

A= allergies

M= medications

What does SAM stand for?


Extend the person's arm over their head, roll them onto their side (is case of throwing up), and bend both of their knees

What is the recovery position for an adult?


persistent pain, dizziness, trouble breathing, nausea, sweating, and extreme fatigue 

What are some symptoms of a heart attack?