Known in the United States as the Korean war.
What is a fragment?
mrs. browns and mrs. janes children were playing the park
What are two four capital letters, two apostrophes and one period?
You will take out the spider, won't you?
What is future tense?
Jesus was (setting/sitting) in the midst of the rabbis when Mary and Joseph (seen/saw) Him.
What is sitting and saw?
Do you know (if Jake called)?
What is a d.o.?
It began on June 25, 1950, it ended on July 27, 1953.
What is a run-on?
Rembrandts most famous painting in the night watch.
What is one apostrophe, three capitals, and an underline?
Jaylen groaned at the prospect of finding another huge spider.
What is past tense?
The boy (shined/shone) his shoes for Sunday.
What is shined?
Anna is (whom you called.)
What is a p.n.?
The Korean Peninsula had been divided at the 38th parallel after World War II.
What is a sentence?
uncle james there is a black hairy spider on the floor.
What are two capitals and two commas?
I had felt dizzy earlier, but now Uncle James has a fly swatter.
What is past perfect?
The goalie's leg was (broke/broken) during the soccer match.
What is broken?
Liam likes (whatever challenges him the most.)
About 6.8 men and women from the United States in the conflict.
What is a fragment?
benozzo gozzoli included portraits of his family I his famous masterpiece the journey of the magi.
What are five capitals and an underline?
We will thank Uncle James profusely.
What is future?
When we (gone/went) in Aunt Lisa's, we (took/taken) the wrong fork in the road.
What is went and took?
(Whatever you decide) is fine with me.
What is s.?
Showing compassion, the U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division donated $300,000 to Korean relief charities.
What is a sentence?
Please she shouted from atop the kitchen stool uncle james do something with that spider! it will build a nest in my hair any second now
The terrified niece has cried for an hour.
What is present perfect?
The little child (dragged/drug) her favorite blanket into the living room.
What is dragged?
I will vote for (whoever has the morally correct viewpoint about the issues.)
What is an o.p.?