Energy, Force and Work "Oh, my!"
Physics, anyone?
Inventions, Inventors
Not so simple!
Living by Example

The ability to do work.

What is energy?


A weight or source of pressure.

What is load?


Inventions, devices, and/or apparatuses that are deliberately over-engineered or overdone machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction, or series of events like the domino effect.

What is a Rube Goldberg Machine?


Devices that makes work easier by magnifying or changing the direction of a force.

What is a simple machine?


Two incline planes placed back to back which is used to push two objects apart.

What is the wedge?


A push or a pull.

What is force?


The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

What is friction?


Greek philosopher who identified 3 simple machines more than 2,000 years ago.

Who is Archimedes?


a tools like an arm, bar, or rod that sits and turns on a fixed support called a fulcrum.

What is a lever?


Wheel barrels, scissors, stapler, cars

What are compound machines?


Equals Force multiplied by distance.

What is work?


The action or process of moving or being moved

What is motion?


Archimedes identified these 3 simple machines more than 2,000 years ago.

What is the lever, pulley, and screw?


Is much like the lever, a smaller force applied to the rim of the _ _ _ _ _ is converted to a larger force traveling a smaller distance at the _ _ _ _.

What is the wheel and axle?


These can be combined in different combinations to form more compound machines.

What are all 6 simple machines?


Push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.

What is a force?


The application of balanced inward forces to different points on a material or structure.

What is compression?


Archimedes discovered that a lever creates ____________   ____________, which is how much a tool strengthens a force. Therefore using a lever would allow a person to lift or move something that would normally be too heavy for them to shift.

What is mechanical advantage?


This can be used to move loads or change the direction of the force a person is using and helps make work easier by allowing a person to spread a weaker force along a longer path to accomplish a job.

What is a pulley?



What are axes, knives, and chisels?


A property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.

What is inertia?


Apply a force to (something) which tends to stretch, or pull it.

What is tension?


Less than 450 years ago, the last of the 6 simple machines, the _________  ________ was identified.

What is the Incline Plane?


This is a flat surface with one end higher than another which allows loads to slide up to a higher level instead of being lifted

What is an incline plane?


Machine that raises and lowers flags, sails, and elevators.

What is the pulley?