Foundations of Dem
The Enlightenment
Misc./English Documents

What are the four pillars of the U.S. Free enterprise system? 

Private ownership

Individual initiative 




What are the three branches of the United States? 

Judicial, Legislative, and Executive


What form of government did the Articles of Confederation establish? 

A confederacy


What is the period of the Enlightenment? 

A time period in which thought processes shifted from religious thought to more rational and scientific thought. 


Who did the Magna Carta primarily benefit? (Think about feudalism) 

The upper-classes; The nobles; Wealthy class


What is political life? 

Where individuals seek to influence and/or direct local, state, or national policies through interactions with the government


Which of the following is an example of a monarchy? 

A.) Athens 

B.) Rome 

C.) England (Medieval Ages) 

D.) China


How many states had to approve something to get a law passed? 

9 out of 13


How do we see John Locke's ideas in modern government? 

Natural Rights 

"Life, Liberty, and Property" 

Government existed for the public good 


Why did the king sign the Magna Carta if it chipped away at his power? 

He was forced to; under duress. 


What is an example of political life in action? 

Answers will vary. 

Examples: Voting in elections, Running for office, contacting a representative about changing a law, signing/creating a petition to gain support for changes in law


Which of the following is an example of a direct democracy? 

A.) Athens 

B.) Rome 

C.) England (Medieval Ages) 

D.) The United States


What could Congress NOT do under the Articles of Confederation? 

Enforce laws, collect taxes, or regulate trade between states


How do we see Montesquieu's ideas in modern government?

The separation of powers 


What is the significance of the Magna Carta? 

It laid the foundation of England's founding documents and chipped away at the power of the monarch. 


What is majority rule vs. minority rights? 

The twin pillars of democracy; the idea that the majority cannot take away the rights of the minority and the idea that the rights of the minority should be upheld and respected. 


Which of the following is an example of a Representative Democracy? 

A.) Athens 

B.) Rome 

C.) England (Medieval Ages) 

D.) China


What were the powers of Congress under the Articles of Confederation? 

Wage war, make treaties, borrow money, and send diplomatic representatives 


How do we see Rousseau's ideas in modern government?

Popular Sovreignty and the Social Contract


What did those who participated in Shays' Rebellion do? 

Rioted at local court houses and shut them down so courts could not be in operation.


How does private life, civic life, and political life intersect? Give an example. (Include definitions of these terms and apply them). 

Answers will vary. Answer must be detailed and include definitions of these terms and apply these terms. 


In what way does modern U.S. Government reflect the structures of Athenian and Roman governments? 

Use examples. Be specific. 

Answers may vary. Must have used examples to get points. 


What were the causes of Shay's Rebellion? 

Lack of payment for service in the Rev. war

Rising taxes despite asking for leniency (since they had not been paid and they could not pay the taxes) 


¡Double Jeopardy!

What is popular sovereignty? 

What is the social contract? 

The Idea that governments should express the will of the people 

The idea that the government has the power to make and enforce laws as long as it serves the people


What were the results of Shays Rebellion? 

It pointed out the weakness in the Articles of Confederation and led to the Constitutional Convention, which eventually brought us the Constitution.