British Facts
Colonial Facts
Tax Acts
Revolutionary Battles
American Ideals

This is the part of the British government similar to our Congress

What is Parliment


He wrote "Common Sense" that said the King was a jerk and did nothing for the Colonies but cause discomfort.

Thomas Paine


A break-ups note to Britain, this document was approved in 1776 by the Second Continental Congress 

What is the Declaration Of Independence


This battle win in New Jersey, gave the Colonial army hope for victory. Made famous by the Washington crossing Delaware River painting

Battle of Trenton


The state of having the same privileges rights status and opportunities as others

What is Equality


Some fought on the side of the British because they wanted to keep their land.

Who are Native American tribes.

His main source of income was based on smuggling and was so angry at King George cutting into his territory, he "signed off" on big party in Boston Harbor.

Who was John Hancock


an act passed by Parliament in 1765 requiring colonists to pay a tax on newspapers and documents

What is The Stamp Act


This victory for The Colonials, made Spain and France safer to join in.

Battle of Saratoga


Power of privilege granted by people or by law.

What are Rights


The Colonists wanted to remain as British citizens

Who are the Loyalists


He gave a speech that outlined that the time for talk with England was done and he was ready to give up his life for his freedom.

Patrick Henry


Laws passed by Parliament in 1774 to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party by closing Boston harbor

What were the Intolerable Acts


This chilly regrouping for the Colonial Army made a rag tag group of fighters into a real Army!

Valley Forge


The chance to be successful and move beyond where they may have been born.

What is Opportunity


This was the nickname Colonists gave to the British Soldiers based on their uniform.

Who are The Red Coats


The were the colonists who wanted to leave the British and go solo!

Who are the Patriots


a tax placed on this sweet treat and other non-British imports

What is The Sugar Act


Final battle victory with a little French help, and Cornwallis is going to need a good excuse to keep his head.

Battle of Yorktown


a system of government founded on the simple principle that the power to rule derives from the consent of the governed. 

What is Democracy


He was a Colonial general who was a traitor and went over to the British after becoming angry with the way he was treated.

Who is Benedict Arnold


He was the author of the Declaration of Independence that was in probably helped by his slaves.

Who was Thoimas Jefferson

tax on British glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea

What were the Townshend Acts


The British had a tough time monkeying around with this new fighting strategy

Guerilla Warfare


William Wallace would have loved this American Ideal? FReeeeeeedommmmmmM!!!!!
