Unit 1
Unit 1 Con't
Unit 2

It is the stories of the people, places, and events of the past.

What is history?


This map features helps us to understand direction on a map.

What is the compass rose?


It is anything that provides information.

What is a source?


It is the study of the physical characteristics of the earth's surface and how humans interact with them.

What is geography?


This map features helps us to determine distance on a map.

What is a scale?


This type of source was created at the time of the event usually by someone who experienced it.

What is a primary source?


Examples of these are volcanoes, mountains, and deserts. 

What are landforms?


This document features gives us important information about the historical document we are viewing.

What is the source line?

One advantage of this type of source is that it helps us to obtain lots of useful background information and to get a big picture of what happened.

What is a secondary source?


This map feature tells us what the map would be useful for learning about.

What is the title?


It is important to study because it helps to understand why the world is the what it is, to solve problems in the future, to avoid past mistakes, and to appreciate diversity.

Why is it important to study history?


This type of source is usually created much later by someone who was not alive and did not actually experience the event but rather studied it.

What is a secondary source?


This map feature tells us what the symbols and colors on the map mean.

What is the map key/legend?


Studying this helps us to understand how the environment impacted what happened.

What is geography?


This type of source provides us with a narrow but very personal account of an event or topic.

What is a primary source?