Renaissance Philosophy
Let's Get Some Context
Visual Arts
Feeling Lucky?
This 14th-century Florentine is considered the "father" of Humanism in Renaissance Italy.
Who is Petrach?
This long war between England and France resulted in England's loss of neatly all its French territories.
What is the Hundred Years' War?

This sculptor created in the 15th century the first bronze statue since antiquity.

Who is Donatello?


This 15th century invention revolutionized communication and made new ideas much more widely available during the Renaissance.

What is the printing press (movable type)?


This Portuguese explorer was the first to round the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa.

Who is Bartholomew Diaz?

This philosopher wrote on the Dignity of Man and believed humans were capable of achieving great things.
Who is Pico Della Mirandola?
This young peasant quasi-military leader helped the French defeat England in the Hundred Years' War.
Who is Joan of Arc?

This image shows a technique in art which was rediscovered during the Renaissance.

What is two line perspective?


These new monarchs consolidated power by claiming land formerly held by the Moors and gaining control over religion during the Inquisition.

Who are Ferdinand and Isabella?

This conquistador subdued the Aztecs in 1521.
Who is Hernan Cortes?
This Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII wrote Utopia, a view of an ideal society based on Renaissance ideals.
Who is Thomas More?

This event marked the end of the Medieval period and caused hundreds of scholars to flee to the Italian city states for safety.

What is the Fall of Constantinople?


This humanistic Renaissance painting by Raphael has Plato and Aristotle at its center.

What is The School of Athens (1510-1511)?

This term refers to the flow of resources and goods between the New World and Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries.
What is the Colombian Exchange?
This Portuguese explorer was the first European to find an all-water route to India.
Who is Vasco da Gama?
The Courtier, written by this diplomat, was the most important work on courtly behavior and the ideal of the quintessential Renaissance man.
Who is Baldassare Castiglione?
Fleas on black rats caused this period of relative unhealthiness.
What is the Black Death?

The below painting illustrates this artistic movement.

What is Northern Renaissance?

This northern humanist wrote a powerful critique of Catholic Church abuses in In Praise of Folly.
Who is Erasmus?
This Portuguese royal invested large sums of money in the mid-fifteenth century to fund expeditions down the western coast of Africa.
Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?

This Italian political scientist and philosopher was tortured by the Medici family, but later dedicated his greatest work to their patriarch.

Who is Machiavelli?

This guy wrote a masterpiece in the Italian Vernacular about the different levels of hell in the Divine Comedy.
Who is Dante Alighieri?

The Pieta, perhaps the most perfect sculpture of the Renaissance, was created by this Renaissance artist, who also painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

Who is Michelangelo?


This new monarch was responsible for ending the War of the Roses and claiming the throne for the Tudor house.

Who is Henry VII?

The edict issued by the Pope in 1494 divided the world between Spain and Portugal by drawing a line down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
What is Treaty of Tordesillas