Rivers Deliver
Dates, Dates, Dates
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in Modern Day Iraq
What are the two rivers that gave life to the first human civilizations. Region that held Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria
The time period before humans cultivated crops and domesticated animals is known by historians as this.
What is the Paleolithic Era?
The Empire of Rome is created as the Senate gives the title Augustus to Octavian, beginning a two hundred year period known as the Pax Romana.
When was 37 B.C.E.?
This Babylonian ruler was responsible for the codification of law in Mesopotamia. He was famous for basing these rules off of the policy of retaliation. They laws were full of discrimination against women and lower class.
Who is Hammurabi? A late 1792-1750 B.C.E. ruler.
Refers to the worship of multiple gods. Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and the early Americans were all this.
What is polytheistic?
The sites of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa lay along this river. The two cities hint at a large, connected civilization that was home to thousands of people because of their size and identical architecture.
What is the Indus River in India? Between 3000 B.C.E. - 2500 B.C.E.
These were two major results of agriculture and settled societies.
What is -stratification of society -codification of laws -population growth -eventual inter-regional interaction through trade -construction of empires -world religions
In 476 B.C.E., after continued attacks by Goths and internal discord...
When is the collapse of Western Rome?
Originally from Kish, in 2334 B.C.E. He swept through Mesopotamia and conquered the city-states one by one. He built a large empire and from the taxes he collected on trade, turned his city Akkad into the richest city on Earth.
Who was Sargon of Akkad? 2370-3215 B.C.E.
This was the principle god in the Egyptian religion.
Who is Amon-Re?
The Yellow River in the Huang He valley gave these three early dynasties the resources necessary for building and maintaining civilization in ancient China.
What were the Xia, the Shang, and the Zhou.
The Roman Empire, Han China, the four Perisan Dynasties, and the Mauryan dynasty in India are civilizations that make up what are know as this
What are the Classical civilizations? - 500 B.C.E. - 500 C.E.
Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty in...
When was 206 B.C.E.?
The ruler that united the bickering regional kingdoms in Egypt around 3100 B.C.E. He founded Memphis, near Cairo, and created a centralized state controlled by Pharaohs.
Who was Menes, or Narmer?
Samsara, Moksha, and Karma, along with the concept of Brahman - the universal soul, are all teachings of this collection of teachings.
What are the Upanishads?
In Mesoamerica, this was the first Civilization to create a large, organized society. They are nicknamed "the Rubber Poeple" for the trees that grow around their land and are famous for constructing Ceremonial centers.
Who were the Olmecs?
Between 403 B.C.E and 221 B.C.E. in China, the region was encompassed in a period of internal discord know as this.
What is the Period of the Warring States?
Cyrus, the first ruler of the Achaemenid Dynasty, which would lead to a millenium of Perisan dominance, came to power in... If you can get the century, you get half the points.
When is 558 B.C.E.?
In all of the Early civilizations, males were dominant in society and women were expected to be subservient. This was pretty much universal. In Egypt, the queen Hatshepsut, who reigned 1473 - 1458 B.C.E., broke away from this common social theme.
What is patriarchy/male-dominance?
The three prominent religions or schools of thought that came during the early classical period in China.
What were Daoism, Legalism, and Confucianism?
Along this river, the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom rose, as well as a large civilization called Nubia.
What is the Nile River?
The Gupta Dynasty in India was in power between the years of...
When was 320-550 C.E.?
The Punic Wars, a series of conflicts that culminated in Rome destroying Carthage, a north African kingdom, were fought between the years of...
264 B.C.E. and 146 B.C.E.
He was the legendary founder of the Xia Dynasty in ancient China. He was exalted as a pillar of virtue mainly for his design and construction of flood control and irrigation systems.
Who was Yu? 2200 B.C.E.
This man was the founder of the Buddhist faith. He explained with his religion the problem of suffering and how to relieve suffering through his Noble Eightfold path. The goal of Buddhism was to reach Nirvana.
Who was Siddartha Guatama?