American and National Identity
Work, Exchange, and Technology
Migration and Settlement
Politics and Power
Environment and Geography

The Native American leader who helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter in Plymouth?

What is Squanto (also known as Tisquantum)


What crop was introduced to the Americas by African slaves and became a staple of the Southern economy?

What is Cotton


What was the first permanent English settlement in North America, established in 1607?

What is Jamestown 


Who was the Spanish monarch who sponsored Christopher Columbus's voyage to the Americas in 1492?

What is Queen Isabella I of Castile 


What geographic feature separated the Spanish colonies of New Spain from the French colonies in North America?

What is The Mississippi River 


Which European country's explorers were the first to establish direct contact with the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century?

What is Spain


Who was the Spanish conquistador responsible for the conquest of the Inca Empire in present-day Peru?

Francisco Pizarro


Which Native American tribe formed a confederation in the Great Lakes region, engaging in fur trade with French explorers?

What is The Iroquois Confederacy (Haudenosaunee) 


What was the name of the system of labor imposed by the Spanish colonists on Native Americans, leading to widespread abuse and exploitation?

What is Encomienda system 


What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange on indigenous populations in terms of disease transmission?

What is Introduction of new diseases (e.g., smallpox) leading to widespread death and population decline among Native Americans 


What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War, significantly altering North American territorial boundaries?

What is The Treaty of Paris (1763) 


What technological innovation allowed European explorers to navigate more accurately and led to increased transatlantic voyages?

The magnetic compass


Who was the French explorer credited with the exploration of the Mississippi River and the establishment of Louisiana?

What is RenĂ©-Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle 


Which English monarch revoked the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1684, leading to increased royal control over the colony?

What is Charles II 


Which geographic region in North America was characterized by extensive fur trade networks and interactions between French trappers and Native American tribes?

What is The Great Lakes region (specifically areas around the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes) 


Who was the European explorer who first circumnavigated the globe, proving that the Earth was round?

What is Ferdinand Magellan


Who was the Portuguese explorer who established the first direct trade route between Europe and Asia, bypassing overland routes? 

What is Vasco da Gama


What was the name of the treaty that ended the Anglo-Powhatan Wars in Virginia, marking a significant shift in relations between English settlers and Native Americans?

What is Treaty of Middle Plantation (1677) 


Who was the Native American leader who led a successful rebellion against Spanish colonizers in present-day New Mexico, driving them out temporarily?

What is Pope (Pueblo Revolt) 


What was the name of the explorer who mapped the eastern coast of North America for England, paving the way for future English settlements?

What is John Cabot


Who was the Native American leader who played a crucial role in forging alliances with various tribes during King Philip's War in the 1670s?

What is Metacom (also known as King Philip) 


What technological advancement facilitated the mass production of goods in European factories during the early stages of colonization in the Americas?

What is The spinning jenny (or similar early textile machinery)


What was the name of the failed English colony established in present-day North Carolina in 1587, known for the mysterious disappearance of its inhabitants?

What is Roanoke Colony (or the Lost Colony) 


Who was the Native American leader who successfully united several southeastern tribes in opposition to European encroachment, leading to the Yamasee War in 1715?

What is Chief Tuskaloosa (of the Mississippian chiefdom) 


What geographic feature in North America served as a major barrier to westward expansion and was later traversed by explorers and traders seeking passage to the Pacific Ocean?

What is The Rocky Mountains