Scientific Knowledge
Rock Cycle
Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition
Human Impacts

Describe the relationship between experiments and other forms of scientific investigation.

Experiments must control variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships, while observations and surveys are also valid methods for gathering information.


______ rock is formed through extreme heat and pressure 

Metamorphic rock


There is a sandy area about 10 yards offshore that emerges during low tide. You can even walk out to the sandy area in order to find the best shells. However, during high tide, the sandy area is not there.

What is this sandy area offshore called?

A sandbar


Many human activities, including deforestation, not only change landforms, but also affect patterns within the rock cycle. How have human activities, including deforestation, influenced the rock cycle?


Human activities have caused the creation of more erosion and sediment, which makes sedimentary rock.


Haley wants to know whether different colors of light affect the growth of plants. She buys four plants and places three of them under lamps with different-colored light bulbs. She places the fourth plant in natural light. Which of the following types of scientific investigations is Haley conducting? 

A. a model to represent plant growth 

B. a simulation to imitate plant growth 

C. a field study to observe plant growth 

D. a lab experiment to test a hypothesis about plant growth

D. a lab experiment to test a hypothesis about plant growth

List the order of processes that must occur for rocks to form from sediments. 

Erosion --> deposition --> compaction --> cementation --> sedimentary rock!


Which show interactions among the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere?

A. erosion of soil by flowing water

B. photosynthesis in a large rain forest

C. formation of ice bergs as glaciers reach the sea

D. breaking down of rocks by mechanical weathering of tree roots

B. photosynthesis in a large rain forest


One factor that contributes to desertification is the loss of decent soil. Wind can take away soil if there is nothing to hold it in place. What human activities will likely contribute to desertification?

Removal of vegetation


Yana is a botanist who takes care of plants. Each day, Yana writes down how much sun, water, and food the plants get. She reviews her notes every week to see if the plants are healthy and content. Which statement explains why Yana's approach is an investigation instead of an experiment?

A. She is measuring variables.

B. She is testing a specific hypothesis.

C. She is not following the scientific method.

D. She is not attempting to change the outcome.

D. She is not attempting to change the outcome.


The sand found along the Gulf of Mexico coast of Florida originated in granite formed from slowly cooling magma in the Appalachian Mountains. When this sand is buried and compacted, it will become sandstone. The sandstone may be moved deeper underground where it will be subjected to heat and pressure to become quartzite. What is the rock cycle for this sequence of transformations?

A. igneous rock → metamorphic rock → sedimentary rock

B. metamorphic rock → igneous rock → sedimentary rock

C. igneous rock → sedimentary rock → metamorphic rock

D. metamorphic rock → sedimentary rock → igneous rock

C. igneous rock → sedimentary rock → metamorphic rock


Jayden often visits a beach near her home. She notices that some areas of the beach are shrinking while other areas are growing. Which statement best explains the cause of these changes?

A. Both processes are due to erosion.

B. Both processes are due to deposition.

C. Some areas are shrinking due to erosion and other areas are growing due to deposition.

D. Some areas are shrinking due to deposition and other areas are growing due to erosion.

C. Some areas are shrinking due to erosion and other areas are growing due to deposition.


Deforestation is the process of....

The process of humans removing trees and other vegetation from an area, resulting in accelerated soil erosion. 


An experiment must include __________ and _________.

An experiment must include VARIABLES and a CONTROL. 


How can a sedimentary rock become a part of a mountain? 

A. A seabed was lifted up when the mountain formed.

B. Several lava flows from the top of the mountain cooled. 

C. Water or wind carried the rock there from another location. 

D. Pressure from when the mountain formed created the rock.

A. A seabed was lifted up when the mountain formed.


How are the California and Florida dunes similar?

They were both formed by wind erosion


What is a major NEGATIVE effect rapid urbanization will have on the environment?

Urban expansion into natural areas at the edges of cities will lead to loss of valuable plants and animals


Water seeps into cracks in rock and freezes, which expands the cracks in the rock. What 3 spheres are interacting in ice wedging?

Geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere


What is the connection between plate tectonics and the creation of new rock by the rock cycle?

 As the plates move, particles are broken off and form the basis of sedimentary rocks.


The formation of the following landform could threaten Florida's landscape. [Frequent rains seep down and erode limestone as liquid travels to underground caverns or aquifers].



True or False?

Habitat destruction can lead to the extinction of species that depend on that specific habitat for survival, reducing biodiversity in the area.
