Social Structures
Age of Exploration
Colonization Models
British Colonization
Major Developments

What are the main social classes in Native American societies?

The main social classes in Native American societies typically included chiefs, warriors, commoners, and sometimes enslaved individuals.


What was one main cause of European exploration?

One main cause of European exploration was the desire for new trade routes and access to spices, gold, and other resources.


What were the primary motives of Spanish colonization?

The primary motives of Spanish colonization included the pursuit of wealth (gold), the spread of Christianity, and territorial expansion.


What motivated British colonization in North America?

The motivations for British colonization in North America included economic opportunities, religious freedom, and the desire for land.


How did demographics change in British North America from 1650-1750?

Demographics changed in British North America from 1650-1750 due to increased immigration, population growth, and the establishment of slave labor systems.


How did the environment influence the social structures of North America?

The environment influenced social structures by determining resources available for food, shelter, and trade, leading to different social organization based on lifestyle (e.g., nomadic vs. sedentary).


What significant event during the Age of Exploration occurred in 1492?

Christopher Columbus' first voyage was in 1492.


How did French colonization differ from Spanish colonization?

The primary motives of Spanish colonization included the pursuit of wealth (gold), the spread of Christianity, and territorial expansion.


Describe the economic systems of the Southern Colonies.

The economic systems of the Southern Colonies were largely agrarian, relying on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, often using enslaved labor.


Describe the class structure in the colonies during this period.

The class structure in the colonies during this period included a wealthy planter elite, a middle class of tradesmen and small farmers, and an underclass of indentured servants and enslaved people.


Kinship played a crucial role in social organization, often determining social status, inheritance, and alliances between tribes.

Kinship played a crucial role in social organization, often determining social status, inheritance, and alliances between tribes.


This is a term for the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and diseases between the Americas and the Old World following Columbus' voyages.

The Columbian Exchange


Describe the Dutch approach to colonization.

The Dutch approach to colonization involved trade and commerce, focusing on establishing trading posts and maintaining good relations with Native Americans for fur trade.


How did religion influence the development of New England?

Religion influenced the development of New England by fostering communities centered around Puritan ideals, leading to a theocratic society with strict moral codes.


What is the trade network that involved a transatlantic trade system that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas, facilitating the exchange of goods, enslaved people, and raw materials?

The triangle trade.


Describe the political organization of the Iroquois.

known as the Iroquois Confederacy, it included a council of chiefs representing individual tribes and decision-making based on consensus.


Describe one impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe.

One impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe was the introduction of new crops such as potatoes and tomatoes, which led to population growth.


 Compare the relationships between colonizers and Natives in Spanish and French territories.

The relationships between colonizers and Natives in Spanish territories tended to be exploitative and coercive, while French territories often involved cooperation and mutual benefit.


What were the social developments in the Middle Colonies?

The social developments in the Middle Colonies included a diverse population with varying religious beliefs, leading to a culture of tolerance and a mixed economy.


How did the Great Awakening impact colonial society?

The Great Awakening impacted colonial society by promoting religious fervor, increasing church membership, and encouraging ideas of equality and individual rights.


How did the arrival of Europeans alter Native American social structures?

The arrival of Europeans often led to the breakdown of traditional social structures, introduction of new diseases, and changes in power dynamics among tribes.


What were the consequences of European control over Native Americans?

The consequences of European control over Native Americans included loss of land, culture, and autonomy, as well as significant population decline due to disease and violence.


What were the long-term outcomes of Dutch colonization in North America?

 The long-term outcomes of Dutch colonization in North America included cultural influences in places like New York and a legacy of tolerance and trade practices.


What were the outcomes of British colonization for Native Americans?

The outcomes of British colonization for Native Americans included displacement, conflict, and the loss of land, as well as cultural changes.


What role did self-government play in the development of democracy in the New World?

Self-government played a significant role in the development of democracy in the New World by allowing colonists to establish their own legislative assemblies and governance systems, leading to the idea of representative government.