early america & colonies
revolution & republic
manifest destiny
civil war/reconstruction

name one of the reasons why settlers founded colonies in the americas

what are: religion, money, or banishment


this solution stated that 60% of a state's slave population could count towards total population when deciding representation in congress

what is the 3/5 compromise?


manifest destiny is the idea that god wanted american settlers to do this

what is move westward?


this was the union's master plan to exhaust the south's supplies and starve them to defeat

what is the anaconda plan?


this person's election as president immediately caused south carolina to secede

who is abraham lincoln?


this trade of raw goods happened between the old and new world

what is the columbian exchange?


this first attempt at a united states democracy was not very successful

what are the articles of confederation?


this trail was a very popular one to take when traveling west; the destination was in the pacific northwest. don't die of dysentery

what is the oregon trail?


this change to the constitution officially freed slaves in the remaining parts of the union; at this point the south's slaves were already freed

what is the 13th amendment?


this person is lincoln's counterpart in the south

who is jefferson davis?


this was a movement of intellectual ideas emphasizing the rights of the individual; it ended up inspiring the colonists to revolution

what is the enlightenment?


these are the constitutions first 10 amendments, added to convince antifederalists to ratify it 

what is the bill of rights?


travel was much easier and faster with the completion of this passage that went across the country

what is the transcontinental railroad?


this amendment granted citizenship to all people born in the US

what is the 14th amendment?


this person was important in spreading enlightenment ideas to colonists through pamphlets, books, and papers

who is thomas paine or ben franklin?


triangular trade involved the americas, the old world, and this continent

what is africa?


name either of the 2 political parties depicted in hamilton

who are the federalists or the democratic republicans?


this is the concept that the population of a state can choose whether or not to allow slavery

what is popular sovereignty?


the bloodiest BATTLE in american history; a battle during the civil war that lasted 3 days; also where lincoln gave a famous speech

what is the battle of gettysburg


this man was the confederacy's top general

who is robert e lee?


this was the long and brutal journey of african slaves to the americas

what is the middle passage?


this war led to heavy debts for england, which is why they taxed the colonies without representation in parliament

what is the french and indian war?


signed after mexico's big L, this document doubled the size of the united states with the addition of a vast western territory

what is the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo?


this person is the very first president to be impeached; he replaced lincoln after he was assassinated

who is andrew johnson?


this person's court case decided that america by default was a slave country

who is dred scott?