Fall of the Roman Empire
The Germanic Kingdoms
The Byzantine Empire
The Carolignian Empire
The Rise of Islam

A nomadic people from the Asian steppes that attacked and destroyed large parts of Eastern Europe.

Who are the Huns?


The way monarchs were chosen in the Germanic Kingdoms:

What is elective monarchy (chosen by the nobles)?


The capital of the Byzantine Empire?

What is Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul accepted)


The founder of the Carolingian Dynasty after removing the last Merovingian King.

Who is Pepin the Short?


The prophet of Islam from the 7th Century

Who is Muhammad?

The two parts split by Emperor Theodosius:

What are the Western and Eastern Roman Empires?


The capital of the Visigothic kingdom

What is Toledo?


The group the Byzantine Empire fell to?

Who are the Ottoman Turks


The Emperor who expanded the empire through many military campaigns, conquering and converting the Saxons (in present-day Germany) to Christianity. He also defeated the Lombards in northern Italy and united his Frankish territories

Who is Charlamagne?


The city Mohammad first conquered and is the main holy site in Islam

What is Mecca?


The group that overthrew the last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus.

Who are the Germanic kingdoms?

The type of economy in Germanic kingdoms:

What are the self-sufficient economies led by agriculture?


The reason why the Byzantine Empire was the most advanced of its time:

What is its location as a key trading hub, connecting Europe and Asia?


The Carolignian Renaissance

What is a cultural revival led by Charlamagne

(Accepted: A time when ancient texts were copied and preserved. A school called the Palace School was established to keep GrecoRoman knowledge alive)

One of the advisors to the Caliph:

Who are the Viziers (ministers), Qadis (judges), Walis (governors), or Emirs (governor with military power)


The outside groups called "Barbarians" that attacked the Roman Empire?

Who are the Germanic Tribes (Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Franks, and Anglo-Saxons) and the Huns?


The religion the German Kingdoms first followed then the religion they converted to:

What is Arian Christianity to Catholicism?


The ancient and modern cultures the Byzantine Empire was the link to:

What are the ancient Greek and Roman cultures with the new European cultures in the Middle Ages?


2 major reasons the Carolingian Empire collapsed:

What are:

- Splitting the empire into 3 parts

- Attacks from the Vikings


These are the five pillars of Islam:

What are:

1) Profession of faith 

2) Praying 5 times a day to Mecca

3) Charity

4) Fasting during Ramadan

5) Traveling to Mecca once 


The Empire that was created after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire:

What is the Byzantine Empire?


Describe the four social structures in the Germanic Kingdom:

What are the:

- King: The top leader 

- Nobles: Wealthy landowners who supported the king and often commanded troops.

- Free men: Small landowners and peasants were obligated to serve in the military.

- Slaves and Serfs: The lowest class who worked the land with no rights.

Name five of the 9 regions conquered by the Byzantine Empire:

What are:Greece, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, parts of North Africa, parts of Italy, North Africa, and southern Spain.


Describe Charlamagne's territorial organization:

What is: 

- Counties and marches.

- Each county was governed by a count, who represented the emperor in the region. Their main job was to keep order, collect taxes, and administer justice.

- Marches were border territories, often heavily fortified, to protect against enemies like the Muslims in the south or the Slavs in the east.


The last Caliphate that was moved to Baghdad, but ultimately was overthrown by the Mongols. They created a golden age of learning, science, and culture.

Who is the Abbasid Caliphate?