Celestial Bodies
Earth's Motion
Sun Identity
Solar Interaction with Earth
Hairy Affairs

The current view of how celestial bodies orbit each other in our solar system. Popularized by Copernicus in 1543.

What is Heliocentric?


Give the difference between the revolution or Earth, and the rotation of Earth.

Revolution: Earth's movement around the sun; Its orbit

Rotation: Earth's movement in place; Its spin


Give a quick description of what happens in the three parts of the sun's interior.

Core: Very dense area where nuclear fusion occurs

Radiative Zone: Where the nuclear energy made in the core comes outs as electromagnetic radiation

Convective Zone: Where the energy from the prior areas rises and falls as it heats and cools


Describe albedo and give the material that has the highest albedo that we discussed in class

The reflection of the sun off of different materials. Snow


A mother, daughter, and three possible fathers. Name this movie that doubles as a musical.

What is Mamma Mia?


Put the following celestial objects in order from SMALLEST to LARGEST


Solar System



Earth -> Solar System -> Galaxy -> Universe


Describe a barycenter and how the size of the celestial bodies affects the barycenter.

The point at which the pull of two planetary bodies are the same. The barycenter is always closer to the larger celestial body.


Describe what happens in the three different parts of the sun's atmosphere

Photosphere: The layer of the sun that gives off the visible light we see

Chromosphere: A thin layer of gas that glows with a reddish light

Corona: The invisible light that is only seen during an eclipse that has a low density and extremely strong magnetic field


Describe the Coriolis Effect

The tendency of an object that should be moving in a straight line to appear to curve due to the rotation of the Earth.


The third installment (released 2009) of which film series is subtitled "Dawn of the Dinosaurs"?

What is Ice Age?


Describe three differences between inner and outer planets AND give another name for each planet type.

Inner: Small, rocky, dense, closer to the sun AKA terrestrial planets

Outer: Large, gaseous, less dense, further from the sun AKA jovian or gaseous planets


Describe the difference between a solstice and equinox, the season in which each happen, and the reason for why these happen.

Solstice: Longest day/night of the year; Winter and Summer

Equinox: Two days when day and night are completely equal; Fall and Spring

Occurs because of the tilt of the Earth


Describe one of the following and tell which part of the sun it occurs in.


Solar Prominence

Solar Wind

Sunspot: Cooler areas on the sun, like freckles or acne. Occurs in the photosphere

Solar Prominence: Narrow jet of hot gas that shoots outwards. Occurs in the chromosphere

Solar Wind: Electrically charged particles that steam outwards. Occurs in corona


Describe how the atmosphere affects incoming solar radiation

The atmosphere absorbs around 50% of incoming solar radiation. Different parts of the atmosphere absorbs different parts of solar radiation.


Which Pixar Animation Studios' film featured a girl whose real name was Mary, but was called Boo by the film's heroes?

What is Monsters Inc?


Put our planets in order from closest to the sun to farthest. (Hint: There needs to be 8 planets!)

Mercury -> Venus -> Earth -> Mars -> Jupiter -> Saturn -> Uranus -> Neptune


Describe the difference between high tide, low tide, spring tides, and neap tides and whether they occur daily or monthly.

High tide: daily highest of water

Low tide: daily lowest of water

Neap tide: monthly high tide that occurs when moon and sun are at right angles

Spring tide: monthly high tide that is EXTREMELY high due to the sun and moon being in line with each other.


Give a brief description of how nuclear fusion occurs. Include the element(s) and how they are joining and splitting apart.

Two hydrogens come together to make a helium. Two helium come together to make a bigger helium.


Redraw this diagram and label with directions the following. The trade winds, westerlies, polar easterlies, and doldrums top to bottom.

Polar Easterlies down, Westerlies towards poles, trade winds towards equator, Doldrums where trade winds join.


"Revenge of the Fallen" is the subtitle of the 2009 sequel to which 2007 Michael Bay film?

What is Transformers?


Describe nebular theory

Gasses cool and contract, forming small particles. These particles collide to form solids, which continue colliding to eventually form planets.


Give a very brief explanation of the three Kepler's laws. (Hint: Law of Ellipses, Law of Equal Areas, Law of Periods)

1st Law of Ellipses: planets orbit in ovals

2nd Law of Equal Areas: planets orbit at different speeds depending on where in the oval he is

3rd Law of Periods: the further from the sun, the longer it takes for a planet to orbit


List the six different electromagnetic ray types in increasing wavelength

Gamma -> X -> UV -> Visible -> Infrared -> Radio


Describe the greenhouse effect and how it has changed with human actions

The GHE allows a certain amount of solar radiation to stay trapped in the atmosphere of Earth. Due to human interference, more solar radiation is being trapped, causing more extreme weather.


A large, blond, goofy member of which extremely popular breed is Marley, "the worst dog in the world"?

What is a Labrador Retriever?