Out of this *universe*!
Shine bright like a STAR. ~Rihanna (sort of)
"Life's better on Saturn."
Mixed Review (Mysterious...like a black hole.)

What is the universe made of?

The universe is made of 200 billion different galaxies.


What is the difference between low-mass and high-mass stars?

Low-mass stars are smaller than high-mass stars.


What is the largest planet in the solar system?

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.


How is a comet different from an asteroid?

A comet is an icy space rock, while an asteroid is a regular space rock.


What is located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy?

A black hole is located at the center of the Milky Way. 


What phase is our Sun in in its life cycle?

Our Sun is a main sequence star.


Which planet is the hottest?



What happens to objects that fall into a black hole?

Spaghettification would occur. 


What is a galaxy made of?

A collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars.


Where is energy produced in stars?

Energy is produced in the core of the star.


Which planet has no atmosphere?

Mercury has no atmosphere.


What is the name of Ms. Fig's (demon) cat?

Birdy! >:(


What are the three types of galaxies, and how would you classify the galaxy pictured here?

Elliptical, spiral, and irregular. The galaxy pictured is irregular.


List all seven stages of the life cycle of a low-mass star in the correct order.

1. nebula

2. protostar

3. main sequence

4. red giant 

5. planetary nebula

6. white dwarf

7. black dwarf


What is the difference between a terrestrial planet and a jovian planet?

A terrestrial planet is made of solid material and a jovian planet is composed of gas.


What is a moon?

An object that orbits a planet or something else that is not a star.


Which is larger, galaxies or the solar system? Explain why in your answer!

Galaxies are larger, because galaxies contain billions of stars, while our solar system contains only one star.


List all seven stages of the life cycle of a high-mass star in the correct order.

1. nebula

2. protostar

3. main sequence

4. red giant 

5. supernova 

6. neutron star

7. black hole


List the correct order of all eight planets from the Sun. 

1. Mercury

2. Venus

3. Earth

4. Mars

5. Jupiter

6. Saturn

7. Uranus

8. Neptune 


What three things must a planet do to be considered a planet?

1. It must orbit a star.

2. It must have a spherical shape.

3. It must be big enough that it clears away objects of a similar size near its orbit.